Chapter 20

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Text guide:





Ever since Savannah, what happened has been recurring every night.

At 12 AM the sky turns red, the world becomes lifeless and mute, and shadow-like monsters start to roam around.

Because I originally thought the sound they made were phantom noises, we decided to call them [PHANTOMS].

We've figured out a few things during the past few weeks of this happening.
For seven hours, we are stuck here.
Even thought time is moving here, time is stopped at 12 AM in our world.
This place seems to be influenced by our world, but doesnt physically infuence ours.

For example, if we move a box in our world, the human dimension, the box in the phantom dimension will appear on the same location it was placed in our world.
But if we move a different box from the phantom dimension, the box in our world wouldn't change its location, meaning it doesnt change where it appears if moved in the phantom dimension.

Injuries can happen here can be felt but not shown in our world and vice-versa.
For example, if we get scratched on our arm on the phantom dimension, the said scratch, when in our world, can be felt on the same exact place it was dealt on, but the injury cant be seen, in short, injuries from the phantom realm cant be seen but can be felt in the real world.

And we always return where we left off in each world.


We open our eyes, feeling dizzy.
We return to the position we left at.

Ashlyn: Whisper  "Duck!"

Ashlyn pushes the clinging Aiden aside, as we hide behind the left and right side of the bus:


Just incase I get myself dirty, I silenty zip my jacket to cover my entire torso.

Tyler: Whisper "Still here?"

Ashlyn: Nods

Tyler: Whisper "What do we do?"

Carter: Whisper "What about to try and kill it?"

Tyler: Whisper "How are we going to do that?"

Aiden gives an idea.

Aiden: Whisper "We could have Logan shoot it through the window?"

Just from the idea, Logan sweats at this. Ashlyn rejects the idea.

Ashlyn: Whisper "No, the gun is for emergencies only."

Tyler: Whisper "This is an emergency!"

Ashlyn and I suddenly and accidentally says loudly.

Ashlyn: "An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die."

Carter: " In addition, we don't got much bullets."

Ashlyn: "Exactly, so we need to try to kill it with our weapons first and have Logan as our backup."

Looking at Ashlyn, I can tell thay she hears something. I can testify that because  when I took a peak outsidd the bus, I can see the phantom walking towards the entrance.

Carter: Whisper  "The phantom is coming."

Ashlyn: "Shh."

We all stay silent.


Ashlyn: Whisper "Hide under the seats."

We do as she says, and hide under the seats.
I am currently hiding with Ashlyn beside me, as we watch the phantom walk beside us. We are very careful not to draw attention, such as making any noises.

I look at Ashlyn taking a glance at our weapons, as if having an idea.
She starts to move slowly, but accidentally making a scrape noise.

Carter: Crap, that was loud. What about the phantom?-

We both look behind us, thinking that the phantom is there. Unfortunately, the phantom is right infront of us.

The Symbol of [FEAR] - A Male OC Reader × School Bus Graveyard StoryWhere stories live. Discover now