Chapter 14

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Text guide:


[Motel Halls]



Ashlyn grabs both strings, and tells us her idea, as she points to the pole beside the Hernández.

Ashlyn: "I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there."

Tyler retaliates, thinking is a dumb idea for many reasons.

Tyler: "Two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's gonna keep it closed."

Ashlyn: "Maybe not but it'll stay closed long enough for me and Ben to make a run for it. You guys go."

Tyler, Taylor, and Logan gets hesitant by her words.

Ashlyn: "I SAID GO!"

Tyler: "Tsk!"

Logan runs of first, as Tyler then grabs Taylor by her hand, and run away.

I don't need to have sensitive ears like Ashlyn to hear MULTIPLE FOOTSTEPS RUNNING TOWARDS US!

Ashlyn: "Ben, tie this to the door handle."

Suddenly, Aiden grabs the two opposite ends of the strings.

Aiden: "I'll tie this end, you tie the other to the pole."

Carter: "I'll keep us guard."

They then do their respective parts: Ben ties his string to the door handle, Aiden tied the two strings together, and Ashlyn ties the second string to the pole. That's when I saw them running towards us, fast.

Carter: "INCOMING!"

Ashlyn: "Okay, RUN!"

We all run away, hoping that Ashlyn's plan would work. Just then, we heard a snap. We look behind us, and see the strings already snapped, and the formerly locked monster came out, and chased us.


An idea is needed, but in this situation, we need a really good one in a short amount of time. Good for me that I have one.

Carter: Its very risky, but I'll take the gamble.

Without wasting time, I then stop myself to trip the closest monster chasing us, which succeeds. Before the monster fell, I use its momentum to throw it to the other chasing monsters, taking them down.


Ashlyn: "Nice idea, Carter!"

Aiden: "That's cool! I wanna try that!"

I use the chaos I created to make a run for it. Unfortunately, they are very durable, and managed to quickly get back up their feet, and run towards us, FAST.

Carter: OH, COME ON!

We all make a run for it. I remain at the back even if I am the fastest. Why? Just incase one of them trips, I can help them. Trust me, I know the feeling of tripping on nothing too many times.

As we continue running, Ashlyn suddenly shouts at us.


We did as told, and Ashlyn quickly uses the thing janitors use to store their equipment, which I do not know what is called, to slam and pin it to the incoming monster.

Carter: "Nice!"

Aiden: "Ha-!"

Our celabration was short lived, as the monster immediately looked at us with its gigantic smile. It tried to grab onto Ashlyn's hand, but luckily...


I managed to punch the arm away, lightly stunning it, as Aiden used this chance to pin it to the wall, grab a chemical spray that is literally labeled "Chemicals :D".

Aiden: " Y'know... This could be fun"

That was the first time I felt Aiden showing his psychopathic side, as he aimed the said chemicals to its head...

The Symbol of [FEAR] - A Male OC Reader × School Bus Graveyard StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt