Chapter 27

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Aiden: "Shane strangled Ben."

By this alone shocked everyone. My pupils start to shrink, and my breathing starts to get heavier.

Ashlyn notices this, and holds my hand, gripping it while looking at me, worried.

Thanks to her, I managed to calm down a bit. I give her a nod as a thank you, while she nods to me back.

Aiden: "Not with the intent to kill him, but just enough to damage Ben's voice box, because he knew that singing was something precious to Ben."

I start to get even more mad, but Ashlyn was already there, calming me down.

Carter: '...'

Aiden: "Afterwards, Ben started spiraling into depression. And then depression turned into rage. When he finally went back to school, he confronted the group." 

I start to calm down a bit, knowing that Ben had his revenge by beating them up.

Carter: '...'

Aiden: "But even after he beat the ones who hurt him, he didn't feel better. He didn't know what to do... to make the anger go away."

That's when I realize that Ben started to lose control at that point on.

Carter: 'So that's why...'

Aiden: "So he kept picking fights. Even picked up street fighting. He stopped going to school and he'd always come home late. His parent's didn't know what to do. Ben refused to go to therapy and would sneak out of the house."

I then grip Ashlyn's hand tighter, but not too tight, feeling a bit worried at Ben. Ashlyn gripped back, calming down any spreading anger.

Carter: '...He lost control.'

Aiden: "At some point, a kid he fought turned out to have an older brother that has connections with a gang. The gang found where he lived and, well- they ended up having to move."

I was mad. Very mad. Ashlyn started to calm me down by gripping my hand a little harder.

Aiden: "Ben was ashamed of what happened and realized his temper was far out of his control. That was when his parents suggested he come stay with us for a while."

So that's how they became closer.

Aiden: "Since we were always travelling, doing new things, and exploring new places, they thought it would help him find a new meaning in life. Something he loved just as much as singing. He agreed and also started going to therapy."

That's when I loosen my grip in Ashlyn's hand, as she does the same, knowing I finallu calmed down.

Carter: (Whisper to Ashlyn) "Thanks a bunch, Ashy."

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