Chapter 17

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[Motel Halls]



Tylee then starts to speak.

Tyler: "So what's your plan then? Use your magic hearing to save the day?"

This somehow got Ashlyn to think."

Ashlyn: "...No- well yes, but later."

Carter: "Lets stay here for now, take a rest and prepare for whats to come.

Ashlyn: " Yeah. Once we go outside, there's no telling what we'll encounter."

Carter: "And just in case, no one leave the living room, so none of us can split up. We are better when with more people."

Aiden can be seen already laying down the floor.

Aiden: "Do both of you always finish eachother's sentences?"

Carter: "I guess. It became a habit of us to do so."

Ashlyn: "Yeah, it has. Anyways, there isnt much we can do right now, so do some mental exercises."

Aiden: "Mental exercises?"

Ashlyn: "Imagining yourself in certain situations and seeing how you will react."

Carter: "Works most of the time, so dont sorry."

I think I remember Ashlyn's dad say something similar to what she said, just in a mode detailed way.

Ashlyn: "Any time you arent asleep, that's what you should be doing."

Tyler seems annoyed by this. No sirprises, since he is a big idiot when it comes to this.

Tyler: "Yeah great plan. Daydream and sleep with monsters outside the door."

We both ignore him. Simple solution for dumb people.

Carter: "We all take turns for keeping an eye out. Logan, is the time still twelve?"

Logan: "O-Oh um- I'll check..."

Logan grabs his phone, and checks the time, which is, strangely, still 12:00.

Logan: "...It hasnt changed."

Carter: Why wont time change? Well, if time wont work, obviously alarms dont too.

Ashlyn: "Alright, we'll keep resetting a timer every hour then. I'll take the first shift, who wants to go after?"

Carter: "I will."



Suddenly, after a certain amount of time, I wake up on my bed, beside Tyler.

Carter: "Ugh... my head... Hold on-"

I only now notice that me and Tyler are in bed, and we are still in our room.

Carter: "...What?"

Was... all of that just a dream...? Then, I suddenly feel pain in my right arm, the same arm that got damaged, and patched up by Ben.

Carter: "No injuries visible, but why does it hurt?"

I take a look at my phone.

Carter: "Time is 12:03... It changed..."

Suddenly, Tyler woke up.

Tyler: "Wha- Am I in bed? Wait, those creatures! Where is Taylor?!"

Carter: "You remember?! So it wasnt a dream?!"

That was when we both feel very dizzy.

Carter: "Feel like I'm gonna puke..."

Tyler: "Well, I'll take a puke first!"

Tyler runs to the bathroom, meets up with Aiden, Ben, and Logan who seemed to be just finished their own puking session, and vomits on the toilet. Luckily for me, I only feel dizzy, not on the urge to puke.

Tyler: "Augh... Wait- TAYLOR!"

That was when we both start to think about the others. If we remember, then so do they.

We immediatelly exit our room, and run towards Ashlyn and Taylor's room, with the others following.

We enter without permission, as Aiden unintentionally sneaks behind the two roommates.

Aiden: "Ah! Found 'em!"

This caused the two to get startled by Aiden.

Brunette: "Gah! What are you doing in here?! Get out!"

Only now is when Aiden realized aboit the two girls.

Aiden: "Wait, arent you two supposed to be dead or something?"

Brunette: Dead?

Tyler: "Move-!"

Suddenly, Tyler shoves Aiden aside, as both me and him spots Ashlyn and Taylor.

We both feel relieved, but the rest of the gang then felt like puking again. Same as Logan and Ben who are just on the room beside this room.

Aiden: "I feel another round coming on-"

Logan: "Ugh..."

Carter: Just what the hell is truly happening...?

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