Chapter 20: Honesty, Tranquility

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(enid pov)

Wednesday stares at me. I ignore her, looking at the sea of faces. "We can move on now," I inform them. I grab Wednesday's hand, and pull her out of the situation and up to our dorm, deciding to pretend I don't hear the rather nasty words being whispered behind us. I silence my phone, already filled with texts of concern, congratulations, etc.

Wednesday follows me through the door, and I release her hand.

"What just happened?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, Wednesday. Tell me what happened."

"I know you didn't want people to know about... us. And I knew my reputation would only hold the gossip off for so long. So I did what anyone would... I made a plan to release a bunch of bees in the courtyard so that people would gossip about something else. Then you were yelling, and I panicked, and I made things worse."

"No," I sigh. "It's ok, Wednesday."

"Is it?"

"Yeah. People were going to find out. We just did it in the most dramatic way possible, but now that it's out there we can just... be a couple, right?"

Wednesday pauses. "Yes."

"So there you go."

I walk over to her, kissing her cheek, and then her lips.

"Better now?"

"Better now," she agrees. I grin, grabbing her hand.

"Dinner, tonight?" I suggest as we sit down on the floor, eventually lying down and staring at the ceiling together.

"Sure, where?"

"Oh. I don't know. There is a pretty good Mexican place in town. Assuming you haven't received any threats on my life through a vision, that is."

Wednesday chuckles, "Nothing right now. That sounds perfect."

We continue to stare for a while, falling into a comfortable silence.

Wednesday starts humming.

"Is that Ariana Grande?"


"Yes, it is! I haven't played you that song..."


"Were you listening to Ariana Grande on your own?"


"Oh my god, Wednesday! Who are you?"

"Trying to be a nice girlfriend."

"You did it for me?"

"Yes, Enid. Why else would I listen to that pop nonsense?"

"Because you like it!" I coo.

Wednesday groans.

"Ha. That's not a no."


"Yes, indeed, Wednesday." I smile to myself as the girl rolls over and goes to the restroom.

I can't help but smile more, as I wait for her return.

It is nice to be smiling, and not crying.

I really am lucky.

I really, really am.

(wednesday pov)

I can't help smiling, when I'm in the bathroom.

I can't believe that I'm this lucky.

And so, the rest of the year is passed in bliss.

"Ok, wait, when you were a kid you wanted to wear color?"

"Yes. My parents didn't tell me I was allergic, because they didn't want me to think I could be weak, so they just said it was forbidden. So I was always stealing colors from my mother's closet."

"Wow," Enid laughs, taking another sip of her coffee, "You have quite an interesting childhood."

"And what about you?"

"Oh, my mother is a big worshiper of old wives tales. She had me wear yellow when I had a cold because it would imitate sunlight."


"Yup. It doesn't work, I can confirm."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. My dad was always good though..."


"He used to take me into the woods, and show me the way that the sun shone through the trees. I would just stare up at it, thinking that maybe one day something that beautiful would happen to me. And then, y'know, I met you."

"Bit sappy."

"You love it," Enid smirks.

I don't deny that I do.

And I can't help but think that maybe vulnerability really isn't a weakness.

(enid pov)

The school year is beautiful.

I convince Wednesday to watch the rest of the Star Wars movies.

Thing actually loves them, which is surprising but sweet.

People are judging us, of course, but for the first time in my life I truly do not care.

"Ok," Wednesday laughs, "Your brothers actually destroyed all the curtains?"

"They were so little!" I giggle, "And they wanted claws. So they grew out their fingernails, and shredded the curtains with a pair of kitchen scissors. Then they tried to convince all of us that they did it themselves."

"Did they?"

"No. They left the scissors on the floor underneath the curtains."

"Ah. I will have to teach them how to properly dispose of evidence."

"Yeah! About that, I was wondering if you would want to come... back this summer? Assuming you want to, I know last time didn't go very well and-"

Wednesday puts a hand on mine, cutting my spiral off. I look up at her.

"I would love to, but I would like to request you come to my house for a night, first. I want my family to meet you."

I blush.



"Do you think they will like me?"

Wednesday hesitates.

"If they don't, we can elope."

I nod.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

A/N: I know this has taken me a long time. And that it is short.

And I am going through a lot right now, but I promise I am working as hard as I can on this.

And I really hope you are enjoying it. I don't know how many more chapters there will end up being, but there IS a tinsy bit more angst coming.

Also, thank you to anyone reading this. I know there are more cohesive fanfics out there, and that this is not the best quality, but this writing and the support it has recieved has inspired me so much and put me on a path that i am really happy with. i love you all.

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