Chapter 21: Vacation, Senior Year

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(enid pov)
Classes wrap up, and I ride home with Wednesday's family.
"So, Miss Sinclair," Her father asks, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"
"Oh... uh..."
Wednesday's mother elbows him, and shakes her head. I shut my mouth.
Wednesday puts a hand on my knee, and I smile over at her.
"How was school, girls?" Her mother asks.
"It was suitable," Wednesday replies.
"That is good to hear."
"Yes, it is."
Wednesday's family is very different from mine.
Her parents are affectionate in their own ways, but it is not very vibrant.
I can see where she gets it, I suppose.
(wednesday pov)
Having Enid around my family is interesting, but, I will admit, not entirely unpleasant.
I enjoy the bits of color she adds to the house.
I really enjoy her ditching the cot under my bed every night, in favor of lying with me.
I take her hand, that day, and lead her into the family graveyard. She looks around, clearly confused.
I sit down on one of the flat, stone plaques, and gesture for her to sit beside me.
"When I was a kid I would sit other here for hours. I didn't even let my brother join me," I admit, "But I wanted to show you."
"Thank you," Enid says earnestly, intertwining our fingers. I blush.
"I love you," I tell her, "And I don't even hate myself for it."
"I'm glad, Wednesday, I love you, too."
Enid means it. I can tell. And my heart actually soars.
Maybe, I reflect, that noose wasn't the worst thing to get.
I can't believe how much I actually want this to keep going. How little it scares me anymore.
They really get you.
(enid pov)
"So, Wednesday," My mother asks at the dinner table, "How are your studies going?"
"I'm very close to the top of my class," Wednesday replies.
My mother beams, and I feel her approval.
My father is smiling the entire dinner.
"So," I ask Wednesday when we get back to the guest room, "What should we do now?"
"I was wondering..."
Wednesday looks at me, "If you wanted to watch more Star Wars."
"What?" I squeal.
She holds up a hand. "Don't make me regret this."
"I won't!" I squeal.
The deal was just the original trilogy. And now she wants to watch more? Oh my gosh.
Wednesday glares at the movie screen the entire time.
But, the next night, she suggests we watch the next one, too.
Even if she is just doing this to make me happy, I can't believe she would care that much.
I can't believe how happy it makes me.
And she stays at my house, all summer.
We eat outside and laugh about stupid things, and I have never, ever been happier.
"Ugh," I flop onto her bed, "I can't believe we only have one class together!"
"Well, I am opting into all those forensics courses," she points out.
"Oh, so I can't have a career! I'm not just a housewife!" Wednesday says indignantly. I laugh, because she is smiling.
"You have to promise to eat lunch with me every day," I say.
Wednesday nods.
"Of course."
"Ok, good."
And she keeps her promise, in true Wednesday fashion.
(wednesday pov)
My forensics classes are some of the most interesting classes I have ever taken.
I am already an efficient killer, but I am now also equipped with the knowledge of how to treat wounds, or solve crimes.
Detective wouldn't be the worst job to have, one day.
Lunch with Enid is still one of the highlights of my day, of course, she is always bubbling with fresh gossip and I am always willing to listen.
The year zips by. I even have a birthday party.
And I don't entirely hate it, either.
Enid and I attend a school dance together. There are multiple school dances, but she only makes me go to one of them.
For her, I would've gone to more, but I don't think she wanted to.
The stares are intense, homophobia is present at Nevermore.
I do everything I can, but I can still see it weighing on her as we go throughout our days.
So I run circles into her back each night and remind her that it will be over soon. And she nods, and holds my hand.
It is the best I can do. I think it is enough.
(enid pov)
Wednesday is my rock.
I don't know what I would do without her, at this point.
I get more crap for being queer than she does, naturally, because I am a softer target. But she keeps the brunt of it away from me, with glares and well placed bribes, and she is there every night.
Sometimes covered in blood, perhaps, but there.
We both sleep in her bed, but I always go to bed first. The sound of her typewriter helps me sleep every night.
The year is almost over when the problem arises.
"So, what do we do after graduation?" Yoko asks one day.
"I actually have a one year internship offer to study detective work in the United Kingdom," Wednesday says. Then she covers her mouth.
I look over at her.
"I'm studying social media management in L.A. for a year," I say slowly.
We stare at each other.
I feel a foreboding sense of doom in my stomach.
We don't see each other again until after dinner
Wednesday is pacing when I walk in.
"Ok," she says, "I think that I should just stay with you."
"What? No! This is your dream, Wen."
"Ok, then come with me."
"I can't."
"Well what do we do then, Enid? We can do long distance!"
"We can't," Enid says sadly.
"Enid," Wednesday is looking at me.
"I think we need to put this on pause."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"No. Just, we should take a break. For a year. Once my internship ends, I'll meet you in London, ok?"
"Are you sure?" Wednesday walks up to me, taking my hands.
I nod. "I'll miss you, but we shouldn't give up on our dreams. It will just make us resent each other, later."
She kisses me. "I'll wait for you."
"I'll find you."
We spend our last days before we have to go inseparable.
Wednesday is holding my hand constantly. I don't want her to stop.
Eventually, we are standing in the LA airport.
"I'll text you when I land."
"I know you will. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Wednesday leaves me standing in the airport, as she flies away.
I take a deep breath, and turn away.
I do have my own dreams to pursue.

A/N: only a few chapters to go! thank you to everyone reading. I love you all.

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