Chapter 6

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Gibbs POV

Tony and Bishop walked out the elevator, running over to the bullpen.
"Ok everyone's here, McGee go."
McGee put a picture onto the screen
"Zara Patricks, 13, immigrated from Australia four years ago after the death of her mother. Six brothers-"
"Six?" Bishop exclaimed.
"Yes, can I finish now?" Said McGee,
"Sorry," muttered Ellie.
"Oldest 23, Joe, mechanic, next Andrew, 21, lawyer, Mitchell 19, marine petty officer, Jason, 10 and twins Jack and Sam, 7. Father, John, died last year in the line of duty. He was FBI. After the fathers death the oldest brother Joe became legal guardian for Zara and her three youngest brothers.
Until of two months ago, when he was arrested on child abuse charges." McGee scrolled down to more pictures of Zara. Ones I didn't need to see.
"Zara and her brothers are currently being looked after by their next oldest brother. They have no other existing relatives, one aunt deseased, and their grandparents passed away years ago."
"At least they still have each other," I muttered to myself.
"Well McGee, DiNozzo, what are you waiting for? Go get her family!"
"Yes boss" They left.
"Bishop, go get Sara, Zara, whatever."

Sara/Zara's POV

Tony and Ellie had been gone for a while. In that time I had fired six rounds with a gun, getting a bullseye every time, the same with the knives, which I much preferred. I decided try something else. I put down my gun and knives, as Ellie had I could keep them, and approached the boxing bags. I took some gloves and pulled them over my hands, and I swung a strong punch.

*flashback to a year ago after her father died*

I stood outside the kindergarten building, waiting for my brothers. The area was filled with parents, and I felt a stab of envy as the kids came out, running to their parents. But I sucked it in, I had to be strong for my brothers.
"ZaZa!" Exclaimed Jack as he came running at me.
"Hey buddy! What's that?" He showed me his sticker.
"I got it for reading a whole book," he said pleased.
"A whole book? Wow, my little bro is growing up fast!"
"Za!" Said Sam as he ran up to give me a hug.
"Hey there Sammy," I said ruffling his hair. I saw the mums and dads doing the same for the other little boys and girls. I was the closest thing the Twins had to a mother, seeing as they never really new ours. I gave Sam and Jack a quick a hug.
"Come on boys," I said. "Let's go get your brother he'll be waiting for us already."

We walked over to the 3rd grade building. And waited until Jason finally came out, dragging his feet along the ground. I stood up frowning, this was not the cheerful 9-year-old I knew.
"What's wrong Jason?" I said. He looked up, obviously struggling not to cry. I gave him a hug.
"It's those boys again isn't it?" I said, and he nodded. I stood up and took Jason's hand in my left and Jacks in my right and told Sam to hold hands with Jack.
"Come on boys," I said heading to the park.
"Where are we going Za?" asked Jason.
"To teach those boys a lesson."
I crossed my arms and stared at the boys in front of me. They were in my grade. What business did they have bullying a 9-year-old?
"Hey you," I barked at the leader, whose name was Corey. He walked over to me.
"Have you been bullying him?" I asked pointing to Jason who was standing behind me with the twins.
"What's it to you Zara?" Corey said smugly.
"Well he is my little brother and I look after my brothers." He shrugged again and laughed.
"Oh so you think it's funny do you? You think that making his life miserable is a game do you?"
"So what if I do?" He responded.
"Well I've come to teach you a lesson."
He burst out laughing.
"What's a girl supposed to do?" He said.
"This." I punched him in the face and kicked him hard in the stomach. He stumbled and tried to return my punch but I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back forcing him to the ground.
"And if you ever go near ANY of my brothers again you will be getting a lot worse than that. Trust me. One of my brothers is in the navy and he taught me how to fight." Corey weakly nodded as I released him and walked over to my brothers. I grabbed my bag and took their hands and we headed home.

*end of flashback*

"Sara? Sara?" I heard a voice in my ear as I snapped out of the flashback and turned to see Ellie.
"Are you ok?" She asked concerned. I nodded and said,
"My name isn't Sara its Zara, and I remember my family."
I waited at the bullpen for my brothers. My memory's were slowly starting to come back. I heard the elevator doors open for the upteenth time and I stood up hoping for it to be my brothers. And it was.

Tony's POV
WOW did Zara have a lot of brothers. They barely all fit in the elevator. As we rode up I spoke to the two oldest there. Andrew and Mitchell.
"Now Zara might not remember everything, especially... bad memories. Just making sure you knew." The brothers nodded. I looked over at McGee who was talking to the younger ones. The elevator stopped and we walked out and started to head to the bullpen. One of the twins(I couldn't tell them apart, and neither could the other brothers it seemed that only Zara could) spotted Zara and he sped off with the other twin, Jason not far behind.

Zara's POV
I turned around to see Jack and Sam running towards me, with Jason not far behind. The twins flew into my arms as I kneeled down to give them a hug, Jason joining as he caught up to the twins. I drew away from them after several minutes, and looked up to see Mitch and Andrew. I gave them a huge hug too. It was great to be with my family again.
Gibbs told me to take Jason and the twins down to Abby's lab while he talked to Mitchell and Andrew about what happened. I didn't want to hear about it so I decided to obey without complaining.
I walked out the elevator, holding the Jack and Sam's hands, as they had refused to let go. Jason was asleep on my back(Andrew had informed me that he hadn't slept sat all while I was gone). Abby turned around as we walked into her lab.
"Hey Sara... er Zara!"(I had spent quite a bit time in Abby's lab, that is until I broke some stuff and decided if it was best if I didn't).

Abby's POV(for a change)

Zara walked into my lab with 2 little boys that I could see.
"Hey Sara.. er Zara! Whatcha doin' here?"
"Gibbs asked me to bring these three down here," Seeing my confusion she motioned to the sleeping body on her back.
"Abby this is Jack," she said waving her right hand, "Sam,(left hand) and Jason." She let go off the twins hands and took Jason from her back laying him on my couch.

Zara's POV

I took Jason off my back and laid him down on the couch. I sat down next him and Jack crawled into lap falling asleep as well, and Sam leaned on my shoulder and fell asleep also. I smiled. I don't think any of them had gotten much sleep lately.

Mitchell's POV

I was glad my little sister was safe. I was worried. She had been through too much already, and Jason and the twins couldn't have bear it if something had happened.
"So what's going to happen to Zara now? Where is she staying?" I asked Gibbs. I didn't know Gibbs, but Zara trusted him, and seeing as Zara trusted about no-one that was pretty good.
"She has been staying in the guest room at my place. I'm sorry but she can't go back home to Boston yet she is still needed for the investigation." Said Gibbs.
"I live here in DC," I replied, "I don't deploy till next month. Could Zara stay with me?"
Gibbs considered this,
"I suppose that would be alright, but there will be an NCIS agent checking up on you every few hours." I frowned,
"Is that really necessary?" I asked.
"The other night someone broke into the guest room where Zara was staying. I'd say it is completely necessary."
Zara's POV

Jack had tears in his eyes as he hugged me goodbye.
"Hey buddy it's ok. I'll be home soon." I said as he sniffled. I wiped the tears out of his eyes and gave him one last hug before sending him over to the car where Jason and Sam were waiting. Andrew bent down to give me a hug.
"Be safe," he whispered in my ear. Andrew went over to his car and they left for Boston. I waved until I could no longer see the car. As the car faded to a speck on the distance, I turned around and walked back to where Mitch, Gibbs, Ellie, Tony and McGee were waiting. I was glad I got to stay at Mitchs place. I had missed my brothers.

A/N Yay super long chapter I actually really like this chapter

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