Chapter 27

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*2 months later*

Zara's POV

I walked into the bullpen, my backpack slung over my shoulder, and I smiled as I took in the scents of sunny LA. One upside to moving teams was definitely the sunny weather that presided in LA, no doubt overruling the coldness of DC.

"Hey Zara!" I waved to Callen as I walked over to my desk.

"Hey, any new cases today?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders. I bit back a laugh as I noticed the mountain of paperwork on his desk.

"Well you had certainly hope there isn't. Aren't all closed case reports due today?" I noted.

"Oh shi- shippity ship ship." Callen stopped himself, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm almost 15 Callen. You can swear in front of me." I said, but Callen shook his head.

"I don't need another lecture from Hetty about etiquette." He said, and I laughed as I remembered the last lecture he had received.

"Well good luck with you work," I said to him as he began his mountain of work. I had already finished all my case reports, even the ones that weren't closed cases, so I opened up my computer, making a face as I started on some school work. I was trying to cut the three years of school I had left in half, so I could finally start doing stuff that would help me with my job. I wanted to start a criminology degree, and unfortunately you couldn't do that until you finish highschool.

As I was working on the analysis of Shakespeare and translating French, Sam came into the bullpen, making similar remarks about Callen's workload, and Kensi and Deeks entered soon after.

I was just finishing up an essay when Eric came to the stairs and gave a whistle.

"Case on deck!"

Callen's POV

We walked up the steps, and I watched as Zara skipped cheerfully ahead of everyone else, and for a split second I forgot she was anything but a normal teenager. But she wasn't. It had been 2 months since she had joined the team, and I still knew next to nothing about her, despite my intentions to find out.

"Naval officer Trent Murphy has received threats from an unknown source, mostly towards his 12-year old son, Evan. We have to find out who, and stop them, before he gives up valuable intel." Eric and Nell took turns telling the story, the wonder twins easily switching off with each other like they were joined at the mind.

"So someone goes undercover at the school? I haven't been a teacher in a while, I wouldn't mind." Sam said.

"Yes undercover, but no teacher. It can be a bit suspicious when we suddenly replace a teacher, and these people, whoever they are, are good, and we don't want to set off alarm bells." Bell told Sam.

"Then how are we going to monitor the kid?" Kensi asked.

"Well..." Nell said, and I realised what they meant, and looked over at Zara, who, unlike the rest of us, seemed oblivious to what was about to happen.

"What?" She said, noticing everyone staring at her.

"No-one would suspect a new kid." Eric said, and Zara's mouth formed an O as she realised what he meant.

"But I'm about 3 years older than this kid." Zara pointed out.

"Yeah... but you don't look it." Deeks pointed out in return, and Zara simply hmphed in return, obviously miffed, but I was surprised when she didn't retaliate. It seemed she was learning to control her temper, though I wouldn't want to be Deeks at the moment, as I could practically see her brain planning on her revenge.

Zara's POV

I silently sat in the middle school classroom, fuming in invisible rage. It had been several years since middle school, and I certainly had not missed it. Thankfully the bell rang,and students started to file out the door as the teacher yelled out homework after them. Finally, it was lunch and a short 40 minutes of freedom.

I picked up my backpack and walked out of the door with the rest of the students, but instead of heading to the cafeteria I made a quick detour to the janitors closet to confer my findings with Deeks. What I had found out? That there was absolutely nothing suspicious about this school, and I was particularly mad at Eric for forcing me to relive middle school, and I shared these thoughts with Deeks.

"Your mad? I have to be a janitor!" He retorted, and I snorted.

"Trust me, I would rather be a janitor."

"What's that you've been doing with your voice anyway? You sound different." He asked.

"Oh my accent? You live in America long enough, and you pick one up." I responded, not thinking much of it.

"You don't usually sound like that though, why now?"

"I choose to keep my Australian accent. I just thought sounding like everyone else would be less conspicuous. Why do you care anyway?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Just wondering." I shook my head in exasperation, and as I turned to head to the cafeteria to keep an eye on the kid, a singular teacup sitting on the table caught my eye.

"When did that get there?" I asked, but already I was taking in the rest of the surroundings.

"Oh no," I whispered. The door opened and I whipped my head around to see Evan Murphy entering the room.

"I got a text from my dad, he said he was in here?" The boy sounded confused, and suddenly this whole case made sense.

"Oh no no no no.." I muttered under my breath, and I felt the room began to shake.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled to Deeks and Evan, and, hoping they had obeyed me, I flicked my fingers and hoped that we would be ok.

A/N: ok so i know this chapter was supposed to explain everything but.... next chapter will promise. anyway this is a long chapter but i'm quite proud of it, and i hope y'all like it. i'm super keen for my big plot reveal soon ahhhhhhh anyway thankyou for all the people still reading this you are the best 💗

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