Chapter 19

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Zara's POV

I took a deep breath as I walked out of the airplane and into LA. I could smell the beach even in the airport. I walked forward with my small carry-on bag, looking for the agent that Gibbs would be here. I held my ID close, just in case they didn't think I was an agent. It was likely. It had taken a lot of explaining and a call from Vance to convince the airport officials to allow me to take my gun and knives.

Callen's POV

I stood at the airport holding a sign that said Zara Patricks, NCIS. I watched as one by one everyone left.
"I'm not sure if they're going to turn up G" Sam said. But I just stood waiting as a girl that looked about 12 or 13 come up to us. Could this be Zara? Gibbs said she was young, but I didn't think she was this young.

Zara's POV

I spotted two men in the distance holding a sign that said my name. I walked over to them quickly.
"Hi." I said. "I'm Zara. Zara Patricks? NCIS." I said, and showed them my badge and ID for good measure.
They stared at me in shock.
"Yes, I really am an agent." I said, answering their unasked question. The shorter one recovered his voice.
"Um I'm Callen and this is Sam." He said uncertainly. "Follow us to OSP."
We got into a small black car.
"So, uh, Zara." Sam said. "How did you become an agent? More to the point, what do your parents think of it?" My eyes hardened.
"How I became an agent is none of your business and my parents are dead. " I replied coldly.
Sam remained silent.
"Your an orphan?" Callen says almost hopefully.
"No. I'm not an orphan. I have six brothers. Three older, three younger. " I said.
Sam swallowed uncomfortably.
"So.. Onto other stuff..." Callen started before Sam interrupted.
"Your like 12! You can't be hold enough to work. "
"Actually, I'm 14. And if we're going into specifics I have a fake ID that says I'm 16." And that ended our conversation.
Kensi's POV

I sat down and stared at Sam and Callen's empty desks. Deeks walked in so I decided to ask him.
"Hey Deeks do you know where Sam and Callen went?"
"Well I don't know-" he started before a loud whistle interrupt and we looked up at Eric and Nell.
"Maybe we can ask them" I said as we walked up the stairs to ops.
When we got up there Hetty and Granger were already there and there was a video call from Vance.
"Director" Hetty said.
"Hello everyone." Vance said. "As you may be aware off, Callen and Sam are not here. They gave gone to get a new agent. She is from my team here and Gunbs thought that a change of scenery would be good for her. She will also be a great asset to your team. Just a few tips. Don't underestimate her or she may kill you or severely injure you. She is quite young so even though she is a full field agent she is still a junior agent. Oh and don't let her near expensive tech. She will most likely break it." And with that he cut themconnection.
"A new agent. Cool" Deeks said. I nodded in agreement. Just then, Callen and Sam walked into ops with a girl who looked about 12 or 13. I was confused. Was this the new agent?

A/n if some of this confuses you google NCIS Los Angeles.

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