Chapter 13

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Zara's POV

I woke up in a small dark room. It smelled like old cheese, and I wrinkled my nose. There was a small bench on the wall that I was chained to, no windows and a door on the other side of the room. My mind immediately went to constructing an escape plan.
The door opened and a man came in.
"Hello little girl," he said. "Planning to escape are you? Well I'm afraid that's not going to happen." And he punched my in the face, knocking my head against the wall. I sank into unconsciousness...
I dreamt of my first day as an agent. I was sitting at my desk trying unsuccessfully to make my new computer work. Tony and McGee were bickering when Gibbs came in.
"Dead marine" he said.
"Where?" I asked, shouldering my backpack and walking to the elevator.
"Side of a road." Gibbs replied, and we all got into the elevator.
When we got there the area was fenced off. Whoever had killed him must have done a good job because there wasn't much evidence, except for the fact that he had no ring finger. We returned to the bullpen soon.

"Petty officer Jackson Criwe." McGee said. "Clean record, currently stationed at the base in Quantico. No wife or kids, parents dead, only living family member is his twin sister Amelia."
"Ok." Said Gibbs. "Tony go interview his colleagues, take Zara with you."
"Ok boss," said Tony.
We got to the base and spoke to Criwe's commanding officer, who told us some people he hadn't been getting along with, in particular a Brendan Cash.
"Hello," Tony tapped Cash on the shoulder, who was repairing an aircraft. He held up his badge as Cash turned around.
"NCIS, we would like to ask you a few questions concerning Petty Officer Criwe."
"Why what happened?"
"He's dead" I responded bluntly.
"Well hello little girl, what's your name?" Cash asked. I felt a strong urge to kick him where it hurt but luckily Tony intervened before I could.
"This is my probationary junior field agent Zara Patrick."
"Are you even old enough to work?" Cash said.
"Yeah are you?" Said Tony. I glared at him, sighed and told him what I had told my brother.
"The legal age to work in Australia is 13 years and 9 months. I'm 13 years 11 months, and still an Australian citizen so technically yes. Can we get on with it please?"
"Uh sure." Tony said, and he started asking all the normal questions, but I saw something out of the corner of my.
"Hey tony I'm going to go check something out I said walking over. There was a warehouse, and an officer was walking around, looking around nervously. Definitely suspicious. I pulled out my gun and walked over. He was... Hiding something in a plastic bag. It was a ring finger.
"NCIS." I said stepping out. And he punched me and tried to run away. But he was too slow and I kicked him in his special parts and flipped him. I stood on his back to keep him down and took his gun and cuffed him. I hauled him up as Tony and cosh ran over.
"Think we got our guy." I said to Tony." He was carrying this" I held up the finger I had taken from in. Cody was too busy staring at me like a goldfish. I glared at him and he quickly decided he had better things to do.
It had been an easy case. Finger guy had cracked within 2 minutes of interrogation with Gibbs, and when he came out kept on muttering something about tiny ninjas. Tony looked sad about this for someone reason. That night me and Mitch celebrated with pavlova and cream, a rare treat as we had to make it from scratch as it was difficult to find in American supermarkets. That had been one of the best days of my life.

A/n yay I finally updated I've figured out what's going to happen and I'm going to try and update this at least once a week if I'm not too busy please vote and comment if u like it 😊

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