Chapter 28- Part 2

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Zara's POV

Deeks half carried me up the stairs to OSP, and my mind was racing as I felt the nerves flutter in my chest. I thought I could do this by myself, that I didn't need any help, but I needed to stop being so stubborn and childish. The team could help me, and over the last two months they had proved their trustworthiness. But most importantly, I now had a lead, and it was imperative we move fast.

We walked in the door, where Deeks had told the rest of the team to meet us, and I let go of Deeks, swaying as I walked as I tried to find my centre of balance.

"Zara, what happened?! Are you ok?" Callen asked as he saw my battered face, but I ignored him as I walked over to Nell and Eric.

"OSP is clear?" I asked them, and they nodded in agreement.

"Ok," I turned around and looked at the team, Kensi, Deeks, Callen, Sam, Nell and Eric, and I flicked my fingers and the hidden security camera in the corner of the room fizzled out. "It's time I tell you all the truth. The whole truth."

I faced the screen, and picked up a nearby tablet, ready for my presentation. For the truth.

"6 years ago, Sydney Australia, an explosion destroys a 6 bedroom house, killing Mrs Patricks and injuring her 18 year old son, Joe Patricks. Less than 6 months later the family moved to America."

"Wait, Patricks? This is your family?" Sam asked.

"This is my family, and this is how I ended up where I am."

On the screen I brought up a picture of the crime scene.

"This explosion was caused by what we call The Organisation. They were attempting to create a super-human, a powered-person, however you want to describe it. They tracked the genetic makeup of families through the government system, and chose those with certain factors that would make them susceptible to the experiment." I paused, blinking back the tears creeping to my eyes. "They chose my family, and went after Joe, who was the oldest. My mother was killed in the experiment. But it failed, so they needed more experimentation, and continued to do so all around the world to other children. Always children or teenagers." I brought up dozens of pictures of identical crime scenes, all with the broken teacup.

"Close to three years later, they went after me. My sister, Sara Patricks, Joe's twin, she was looking after me while our brothers were out, and she died in the explosion." I steeled my eyes as I explained, refusing to let my emotions get the better of me, and not looking at my team. If I did, I would break down, and then they would probably think I was even crazier than they already would after I explained everything. "I was eleven, and I guess I must have been the right age or something, because... well, it worked.

"I don't know why, but the organisation never came after me straight after, which they seemed to do for any other children. There were never any survivors found in any of the other cases. Regardless, the found me about two years later, when they stopped my school bus, possibly looking for more subjects, and they shot me in the head, but it didn't hurt me."

"I thought it was a coincidence, that it wasn't The Organisation, but then they came after me, they captured me, and they tried to reverse engineer my powers, to find out why the experiment worked so well me. Fortunately, they couldn't, and I was rescued before they could.

And then two months ago there was another case that was identical, and I knew that The Organisation was back, and they were close. And because the experiment worked on me, they would be after my little brothers soon, who are almost ten, almost within the perfect age bracket. So I need your help, because not only do I need to protect my brothers, but I know have lead. Evan Murphy's father undoubtedly lured him to that explosion, perhaps hoping that his son would get superpowers, which means he has been in contact with The Organisation, which means that he can lead us to them. We can stop them for good." I finished, and as I turned around to face the team, I saw the incredulous looks on their faces. Flicking my fingers, the tablet floated upwards out of my hand, and I clasped my hands in front of me as I turned it around and opened the notes app.

'Yes I'm telling the truth, no I'm not insane, yes this is real' I typed, my hands at my side as the tablet floated in front of the team. I doubted that it would be enough to fully convince them, but I had other tricks up my sleeve.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHHH MY PLOT TWIST!!!!! I know it's probably not something that would turn up in a regular NCIS episode, but I thought a lot about how I could tie in everything that's happened in the book, and I think this does it. Stay tuned for more updates, and if you like the story (or the plot twist) please vote and comment because it puts a smile on my face! I'm also considering being the original NCIS team back for couple of chapters or so, so let me know your thoughts!! Thanks for reading everyone, y'all are awesome

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