Chapter 24

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Callan' POV

Hetty took a slight slip of her tea as she looked down at me over her glasses, with a familiar look on her face, the one that implies that she knew everything about everyone.

"So... did you want something?" I let an annoyed tone creep into my voice. Honestly, sometimes Hetty's meetings were completely unjustified in my opinion, and she seemed to schedule them specifically to disrupt my day.

"I noticed that you tried to get  Zara's personnel files." Hetty put down her teacup.


"I know you like to know everything about your team Mr Callan- "

"Damn right I do."

Hetty gave a little tut at this interruption before continuing.

"But you can't have those files."

"Can I ask why?"

"You can ask. You won't get an answer"

With a glare channeled in her direction, Hetty seemed to mellow a bit, and her gaze softened from her usual stance.

"Zara will tell you what she wants to tell you about herself, when she wants to. Don't force answers where there aren't any to be given."

Hetty returned to her tea, signalling the end of the meeting as she swung around on her chair. Trudging back up to OSP centre, I begrudgingly decided to take a more subtle approach into my investigation into the new team member. No matter what Hetty had said, I did mean to find some answers.

Zara's POV

As I pulled into the driveway, Deeks finally ceased his excessive yelling, and I felt a smug grin creep onto my face. I had warned him, but it seemed life as a detective had still not informed Deeks that teenagers without a driver's license aren't usually the best, or safest, drivers. I, of course, knew in theory how to drive, but that was not often put into practise, as it was quite illegal, and as an enforcer of the law, I usually tried not to break any.

"Still want to be shotgun?" I asked Deeks, struggling to keep the laughter out of my voice as he sat next to me, breathing heavily as he attempted to reduce his panic.

"No no no, never again. I am not letting you drive until you are at least 16." He waved his hands in the air as he talked to illustrate his point, but I pouted in disappointment at this declaration.

"Age-ist." I stuck my tongue out at him, which to be fair probably didn't much help my case.

"Out of the car, now."

I unbuckled my seatbelt, and I took a deep breath as i exited the vehicle. For all my jokes, I would rather have been anywhere but at this particular crime scene. But as i shoved my hands in my pockets to hide my nervous shaking, I resigned to myself that everyone had to face there problems sometime, and there was no better time than the present.

A/N: Ha ha ha.... so how long has it been since i updated this, a year perhaps? I literally cannot began to apologise for anyone who is reading this story for being such a lousy author. I won't try to make excuses, but i will just say that i may try to write a chapter every so often, probably if a chapter gets some comments at which point i get a notification and i then remember that wattpad exists (A+ memory right here) so if anyone is still reading this, thanks a lot, and i'm really sorry.
i'm currently trying to fully remember the storyline i had planned for Zara, so stay tuned for an update

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