Chapter 20

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Zara's POV

I surveyed the group that stood in front of me, maintaining a calm face on the outside, not letting anyone know just how nervous and scared I was on the inside.

I had heard about the special ops team from rumours that floated around the workplace. No one really knew that much about them, but it was that very fact that made them so good at what they did.

Undercover work, as Gibbs had explained to me. Reconnaissance, in a way. Gathering important intel. Truth be told, I was excited about getting the opportunity to work with them.

An awkward tension sizzled in the air, as silence filled the room. This went on for a few minutes, before I finally decided to break the silence. So, taking a deep breath, I spoke.

"Hello. I'm Zara." I said.

"Kensi." A woman with brown wavy hair said in reply, nodding her head slightly.

"Marty Deeks, but most people just call me Deeks, good to meet you Zara." said the man standing next to her, who looked a lot like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. He stepped forward and shook my hand, smiling cheerfully.

"Nell." A short girl with red hair said, and she nudged the person next to her after the uncomfortable silence continued on for a bit.

"Oh right, I'm Eric." He said hurriedly.

"Hetty, Assistant Director," I addressed them as we finished the introductions. I had already met the two from a previous case back in DC.

"Good to see you again Zara." Hetty replied with a coy smile.

"So, now that you've met everyone, why don't they give you a tour of OPS centre. It will be a good way to get to know the team." Hetty said, and with that she exited the ops centre. Granger gave me a gruff smile, almost as if to wish me luck, before he followed her.

"So... Zara. What should we show you first?" Callen finally said.

A/N- So that's the chapter! I know I said I would write this weeks ago, but I just haven't had the time with school, and I cracked it phone screen so it's really hard to type. But I finally did it. If anyone has made it to the end of this chapter I would really appreciate it if u could vote and comment, and tell anything you would like to see happen in the next few chapters.

Oh and PS I am a massive shipper of NERIC (Nell and Eric) so expect to see some of that :)

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