Chapter 21

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Zara's POV

The air was so tense you could slice straight through it with a knife. I was following Kensi and Deeks down to the training room, and an awkward tension hung between us. I was starting to rethink my agreement in this arrangement, if this was how it was going to be the entire time.

"So, uh, Zara, how did you become an NCIS agent?" Deeks spoke, breaking the awkward silence, and I sighed in relief.

"Well, I was involved in a case back in DC, where my school excursion bus was hijacked and everyone but me kidnapped and after I helped the team solve the case  Gibbs decided to keep me around. " I replied happily, glad to slightly lessen the tension.

"Wow," said Kensi in response. "So, who taught you how to fight?" She asked, gesturing to the array of weapons on my belt (which included a gun and several knives).

"One of my brothers is a marine and he taught me how to fight." I replied swiftly.

"One of?" Deeks asked questioningly, raising his eyebrow.

"I have six. Three older, three younger."

"Wow." He simply said in reply.

We stopped outside a small staircase, and as we descended it and walked through the door, I couldn't help but let my mouth hang open like a goldfish. They had a climbing wall.

"You guys have a climbing wall?! So unfair!" I exclaimed, sprinting towards.
"Race you to the top?" I asked Deeks excitedly, putting my gun and knives to the side on preparation.

"Your on," he said in reply, a childish grin coming over his face as he jogged up to the climbing wall.

Meanwhile, back in the OPS centre...

Callens POV

I waited till I was certain Zara was out of earshot with Kensi and Deeks, as well as Hetty and Granger, before I turned to Eric.

"Can you.." I began

"Pull up her history and NCIS profile?" He finished, spinning on his chair to type madly into his keyboard, Nell not far behind.

I waited, surveying the empty plasma in front of me. There was something about Zara, something I couldn't quite put my finger on, but one thing was for sure, everyone was lying about her sudden transfer to OSP. This wasn't just a learning curve for a junior agent. The director and Hetty had some exterior motives that they were bringing into play on their giant chessboards, and I was determined to find out what they were, for Zara's sake.

A/N- HEY LOOK EVERYONE I UPDATED! THIS IS SO EXCITING! BREAK OUT THE CAKE AND THE BALLOONS!!! Anyway so ya I updated and it's pretty exciting because I'm starting to get into the story again and these updates may be a little more frequent.

Anyway please vote if you liked this chapter and the direction the stories going in and comment anything you would like to see happen in the story.

Have a great day/night depending on what time zone your in. Me? I'm going to sleep cause it's nighttime in Australia.

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