Chapter 8

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Zara's POV

We walked cautiously towards the building. It was an old abandoned  warehouse. Gibbs knocked down the door and we walked in. I walked down the right corridor towards a door. I peeked in and motioned everyone else over.
"I found them," I whisper.
"Ok." Said Gibbs, "DiNozzo go with her. Bishop with me." We split up. Tony knocked the door and I walked in slowly motioning for everyone to be quiet so they didn't alert Fred.
"Zara?" Someone whispered hoarsely. I looked over and it was Anne. "We thought you were dead!" I cracked a smile.
"Well it looks like I'm still alive. Is anyone hurt?"
"Lucy broke her ankle and she can't walk but that's it." She replied.
"Ok everyone stand up." Everyone stood up and Tony picked up Lucy.
"Follow me," I told everyone else as I walked to the door, and turned the knob. We walked out, and I checked around the corridor before nodding for Tony to lead them out. I quietly closed the door behind me and walked out with my gun raised just in case. We walked out the door and as we did I frowned uncertainly, that was way too easy. I did a quick headcount as Tony shepherded them away from the warehouse. The teachers stubbornly refused for a moment but then gave in and went with the students. When everyone was in Tony told me to join them but something wasn't right. There were only 18 people. 2 teachers and 16
students not including me. There was supposed to be 20 people. 3 teachers. One of the teachers was missing. I cursed silently under my breath.
"Idiotic teachers," I muttered. Tony noticed my expression.
"What's up?" He asked.
"We're missing a teacher."
"Oh crap."
"I'll go back,"
"No no no no no." Tony said at this.
"Well who else will? Your the only one strong enough to carry Lucy, the others haven't eaten for days." And with that I ran back in to search for that stupid teacher.

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