Chapter one

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A/N: Well this is Chapter one I hope u enjoy and this chapter is going to start in Justins POV. Byeaa 

Xoxo Cheyenne

Justins POV:

Tommorow I'm going back to Canada. I so needed after being on tour for so long and being away from home and family and friends. At the same time going to Canada is kind of sad because it reminds me of Faith all the time. Oh gosh how I miss that girl. With her I could really be myself. She made me smile without even trying. Sometimes I just wonder if she could forgive and we could go back to how we used to be. Yeah on my phone screensaver I still have a pic of us. I just miss her. I wish I could tell her that. Maybe I should go visit her when I'm in Canada or should I just let things go it's way. Maybe Faith would bring us together again wich is ironic because her name is faith. Oh well we'll see once I'm there. What's meant to be will be.

*1 Day later: On the plane*

Last night I felt alseep with Faith on my mind but it's stupid because she probably forgot about me the minute I walked away. I decided to not go visti her. It's the best because when she wouldn't forgive me I would be so hurt and upset. Sill I was hoping to just see her around. I actually wouldn't know who to act when I saw her I think I would just hug her. It's been so long. 

I never really knew if I just loved her as a friend or more and now I totaly lost it. I miss none of my friends as much as I miss talking to her. Her voice was so peacefull to me. I wanted to hear it everyday of my life. At this point I was so confused but I gotta get her out of my head. I couldn't help it but I still felt so bad because I broke our 'Forever&Always' Promise I know it meant the world to her. I felt so bad right now.

* We're landing in 15 minutes please don't walk around until we have landed*

This was it. I was going to be in the same city as Faith in less then 15 minutes. Dude I'm looking like a fangirl. Stay cool Justin stay cool.

Faiths POV

Justin was about to arrive in a few minutes to canada. I saw it on his twitter. Yeah I get a notification when he tweets. Don't judge me I just miss him like way to much. My biggest wish right now was just to hug him. Hug him like we used to. Get everything back like it was a few years ago. I knew the moment that I would see him again that I would forgive him for everything, for ditching me, for finding new best friends, famous ones, for not calling me while that's what he promised he would do, for not visting me anymore but I had to stop hoping because he would never want to see me back again because he was better friends now and he is famous he doesn't need me.

He doesn't need me as much as I need him . I need him to be me.

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