Chapter Seven

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You guys are awesome, my friends (Heya Emma&Steffi) always laugh at me because I always that it means the world to me but guess what I'm gonna say it again Thank you all for reading it means the world to me you can't even imagine.

Xoxo Cheyenne


I heared my phone ring and saw on the caller id that it was scooter.

Oh god this could not be good I said to myself since I didn't tell scooter about Faith and he probably would be mad that I made us public.

"Hello" I said

"Hi Justin, listen since u decided to post that on twitter you know what i am talking about you have to do a concert so your fans know that you still care about them."

"What, it's my only time off and I was so happy to be in Canada why?"

"For your Beliebers Justin."


"U have a concert tommorow in New York."

"What that's like impossible."

"Nothing is impossible you just have to leave as fast as you can." Scooter answered me 

"Can Faith come?"

"No, Justin  you do this for your fans and then you want your gf to come?" He kind off yelled

"kay kay , Calm down. When am I back?"

"After the concert you can fly back."

"kay, bye Scooter."

He hung up freaking pissed. I've been touring for like 4 month and I'm off for 4 days and he calls me that my beliebers will think that I don't care about them anymore , like what I'm on a break for 2 weeks. I was so happy and exicted to be her and to meet up with Ryan and Chaz and do stuff we used to do before I was famous. Now I have to call Chaz&Ryan that I can't hang out with them. They probably will be mad because everytime we want to hang out something happens because of me.

They have all right to be mad. I would do the same. And Faith I'm only able to hold her for a week and few day and I have to fly to freaking New York and now that she is having such a hard time with being hated and stuff. This is all my fault. I don't deserve her and she doesn't deserve all the shit she gets.

At this moment I felt so bad and totaly was not happy. I felt like I always put the people around me in trouble. Things are never going to be the same like they used to me and it hurts me so much. I don't  want Faith to have this life in the spotlight because deep down I know that she can't handle that. 

She wants to live a normal life with normal friends and a normal boyfriend. Wich I'm not I'm not the good friend that I used to be now I'm her famous boyfriend and she gets tons of hate for loving me.

Maybe this isn't all worth it. Maybe this isn't worth fame.

I think I really need a break from everything a long one.

But on the other side then I would let all my beliebers down and I don't want that either.

It was so hard for me maybe going on a break would be selfish but on the other side now I would just be sad and not be a good idol for my fans and if they come to an concert I want to give them a Happy Justin not a sad and depressed one maybe I should talk to someone about it but I didn't know who. 

I would also have more time to be a good big bro for Jaxo and Jazzy. 

I felt so down at this that I just broke down crying.

I needed to get out of here. I needed to get outside, needed to get some air.

When I got outside something happend that I didn't expect but if I was smart enough I could know it.

It was full of paps. It felt like there were a million of them. All putting there camera in there face. Million of flashing light making me dizzy. I didn't know what to do. I was still cryin so know they had pictures of Justin Bieber crying.

Now I let down my whole fanbase and the media. I can already imagine what they gonna write.

"Justin Bieber spotted crying leaving his house. "

"Did Justin Bieber and Faith break up?"

I can't handle this anymore. I just wanna be me. I want all of this to end. I don't want fame anymore.

I ran back inside and sat with my head against the door. Crying my eyes out.

I never felt this depressed in my entire life 

I want my life back.

kay guys I made this Chapter because I wanted to show you that this really could happen. As we all know Justin is at his breaking point and I hate to see him this upset so I think he needs a break or something but you all need to respect that and not believe every rumor that comes around this is a special Chapter for me because I feel so sad, down and bad for Justin feeling this way because I kinda think that it's our fault. We put to much pressure on him. Imagine how it feels for him. He's still a teenager and he's going to make mistakes like all of us. That's growing up. Growing up isn't easy but imagine how hard it is do grow up in the eye of the whole wide world. Everyone waiting for u to make a mistake so that they could bring you down. I mean I already have a hard time like school and stuff but with him millions of people watch. 

Sorry but this is just my opinion...

I just love you Justin and Wanna thank you for saving my life...

I'm here since 4 years ago and I promise that I'm never ever leaving you no matter what happends no matter how much mistakes you gonna make we love you. 

Xoxo Cheyenne

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