Chapter Six

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A/N: guys 151 reads? It means the world to me love y'all hope u like it and if u don't like something please tell me (: love youuuu



I was getting chased by fans and they were all yelling things at me like "Back off bitch" , "Justin is ours." , "He worth better than you." , "You're ugly and don't deserve him." 

I just felt tears streaming down my face but they didn't care. They kept running behind me and I couldn't run fast enough because I was wearing heels. I just Justin was right here. If he told them to calm down  they would. Don't they realize I really love him and that I knew him way before him that I am not with him for fame. I'm in love with Justin Drew Bieber. Not the crazy teen popstar.

Suddenly I hit the ground and it hurted extra hard because my ribs still killed me. 

Now it even got worse. I felt like I couldn't breath but I knew I needed to get up as fast as could. 

I don't know why but I was so scared of them. I really felt like they wanted the kill me. At least that's what they said on twitter. That they would get me and kill me. 

I tried to get up but I felt right back on the ground. 

I saw all the yelling girls getting closer.

Suddenly I heared a familiar voice. 


Suddenly I woke 

"Faith u worry what's wrong why are you crying." Justin said

"Oh, I just had a bad dream." I said wiping my tears away

"About what you seem a little bit shocked?" He asked

"No, I don't want you to worry about me."

"Well I love you and I care about you so tell me."

"Well it was just your fans followed me and yelled horrible things at me and they chased me and I felt on the ground and I was just so scared and they hated me on twitter."

"Babe, I'm so sorry. " He said huging my tight

"Don't be it's not your fault."

"Yes it is, You wouldn't have cried and u wouldn't have had a bad dream if u weren't dating me."

"I'm happy to date you. Nobody can break us Babe." I said to Justin

"Iloveyou." He said kissing me 

"Iloveyoutoo." I answered him

"I'm going to check twitter" He suddenly sad

I must admint I was kind of scared because I knew there would be tons of reactions of the fans and I just hoped for the best and that things didn't turn out like in my dream

Justin checked his twitter and showed me a few tweets. They're were all so nice I really couldn't believe it . They do love and accept me.

He tweeted this to his beliebers:

@JustinBieber: Thanks for all the love and support You're still all my ladies tho loveyou

I noticed he kind off looked sad and like he was holding something back


He suddenly got a message. It was from Ryan it had been so long since he has seen him and since he's in Canada they could meet

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