Chapter Eleven

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You guys make so happy, eveyday the reads keep getting higher and it seriously means so much. To thank you I wrote another Chapieee 

Love you.

My eyes opened and everything was blanck. 

I didn't remember a thing that happend.

Where was I?

Why was I here?

All these kind of question where flying trough my head.

Suddenly, I saw a monitor beeping and needles in my skin

I realized I was in the hospital but I had no idea how I got here.

A doctor came in and started talking:

"Hi, you know why you are in here." He said

"No, not really, I kinda don't remember."

"You passed out because you don't have enough energy and your boyfriend told me that you have never been this skinny and that he was gone for 2 days and that u didn't eat anything and that I got really down hill within 2 days."

It's all came back, Everyone hates, I couldn't eat, I wanted too but I just couldn't. When Justincame in my room he was shocked.

"oh yeah." I answered the doc without any tone

"Should I let your boyfriend in and explain they." The doctor asked me

"Yeah, sure." I said a little happier this time because I was going to see Justn and I missed him so much

Justin came in.

he runned to me and kissed my forehead and huged me tightly.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"yeah, I'm fine your only crushing my bones a bit. " I answered him with a smile.

"Sorry, I was just worried and missed you so much." He said 

"Yeah, sorry for that."

"Stop saying sorry for everything Faith when it's not even your fault."



"Woops." I smiled weakly

"So..." said the Doc I totaly forgot he was still standing there

"You can go home but you have to make sure you eat enough and eat lots of fruits because else you gonna end up here again." 

"Okay, I'll take care of that.Thank you doctor" Justin said

"Let's go home babe and let me make you a good dinner." Justin said to me 

We got out the hospital and drove home.

"As long as your with me I'll be fine."

A/N:  Sorry it's short I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. 

Thanks again. Love ya 




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