Chapter Fourteen

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When Faith opened the door it was like I saw an Angel. She looked so beautiful

She turned around and her back was all open there was no fabric. 

Don't get me wrong it beautiful and all but errr-m I just don't know.

She's mine.

"Do you like it." She said all smiley

"Yes you look to beautifull.A little too beautiful." I whispered that last part

" Thank babe and What?" She asked 

"Oh nothing." 

"You sure?"

"No." I said kinda mad

"What wrong? I knew you wouldn't like it. I knew it was ugly." she  said running upstaires crying

I felt so guilty right now I ran after her 

"I'm sorry babe I should've said that I know you're unsure about yourself but there's no reason you're beautiful, I've never seen a girl as beautiful like you." I said holding her 

"Yeah , I guess that's why you don't like it?" She answered

"I do, I like it a lot."

"Then why did you react like that, Justin?" She asked 

"I'm jealous okay you happy now?"

"Why are you jealous I mean you can't wear a dress." she said laughing.

"Not about the dress stupid, I mean you look so good and boys going to be looking at you and I don't want that. I maybe sound selfisch but you''re mine and I don't want to lose you. That's just all."

"Awww, Justin you will never lose me, I should be affraid of losing you 40 Million girls love you. I'm yours as long as you're mine."

"I love you. " I told her kissing her 

"I love you too." She answered

Seriously you don't know how much it means when she says those four words.

"Let's go beautifull." I said 

"Kay." She answered getting up and kissing me on the cheek 

That sentence that she said kept going on in my head. It was a sign I had to do somehting with it. 

I had to write a song for her about us. 

I'm yours as long as you're mine

We arrived and got out of the limo

A million of flashes went off. We walked our way to the red carpet and the they took a pic of every move we made.

I kissed her cheeck and they went crazy.

I holded her by the waist close to me because I knew it was her first red carpet.

I could tell she was really nervous but she didn't tell. She tried to hide it but she can't from me. 

I smiled looking deep in her beautiful eyes kinda forgetting where I was. 

Jaden came up and we all took pics the three of us Faith was in the middle.

We got inside and watched the movie.

Faith was cuddeling with me the whole time and I loved it. 

I was so proud and happy that she is my girlfriend at this point.

I don't know what I did to deserve a girlfriend like her. 

"She's one in a millon."

A/N: HI guys I know it's short but don't judge me. It's the second Chappie I post today soooo, but I just didn't want to let you guys hang in here with a cliffhanger I know how much I hate that soo hope you like it. Thank you all




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