Chapter five

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Thanks luvies for reading it means the world to me loveyou




I woke up next to Justin and still couldn't believe what happens yesterday.

He said he loves me .

I mean he does all the time. He loved me like I love him. He loves me more than just friends . And thatw fact made me super happy.

I didn't really mind the fans because they already knew me and were just to me so that was a great thing.

They know who much I support him trough everything and how I've been there even when he didn't talk to me.

They all know how proud I am of him.

I think we should tell the beliebers so. They knew everything about him and he was always honest with them and I don't that to change because of me.

"Are u already awake babe?" I heared someone say with the voice of an Angel.

I knew since the first second I hear that voice that it was the voice of the person I love the most. 

The person I love much that I can't even explain it in words.

"Yeah, I've been awake for a while." I answered 

"What have u been doing?"

"Just thinking."

"About what?" He aksed

"Oh just things.Don't worry."

"Come on , tell me." He said

"Kay, I just think we should tell the beliebers soon because I know you are so close to them and u love them with whole your heart and I know it hurts you when u have to lie to them and I just don't want to ruin the relationship between you and your beliebers because I know they love and suport you as much as I do."

"Faith?" Justin asked

"Yeah, Justin."

"You're truly amazing, I couldn't imagine a better girlfriend, you handle the fans and the whole thing that comes along with fame so well.You're the best and i love you so so much Faith." He said kissing me. 

I smiled between the kiss and a lil tear rolled down my cheeck.

"Don't cry you're to beautifull for that."

"It are happy tears, i love you Justin."

"Let's get out of bed and go downstaires, babe."


it was almost midday so we decided not to eat breakfast since we were about to have lunch in an houre.

"Babe, I wanna see ur mom it's been so long."

"Should I call her maybe we can go lunch together."

"Oh my god, that's such a good idea Jusitn." 

Justin called Pattie and she was okay with it so I went upstaires to get ready. 

I took out a simple black dress and gold shoes, bracelet and neckless.

I went downstaires to see Justin just looking like angel like always all smiley.

"Hi beautifull." He said

"Hi , mister you don't look bad yourself either." I answered

"Thanks my lady, let's go."

The fact that he said my lady gave me chills. 

we arrived at the restaurant and waited for Pattie outside.

Just 2 minutes later she arrived too.

She kissed me and Justin on the cheeck.

"Hi Faith it's been so long." Pattie said to me 

"Yeah way too long." I answered her 

we went inside and got to our table and ordered our food.

"So you two are dating now?" She said to us 

"Yeah. " Me and Justin both answered looking into eachother's eyes 

He kissed my lips softly.

"You guys are so cute. When I said you two would be cute together you always laughed at me and said that it would be gross but look where u are now." Pattie said proud

"Aww mom, don't start about that it was ages ago." Jusitn said laughing.

"You make him happy Faith , thank you for that we was so sad all the time when u guys didn't talk." Pattie sudenly said.

"aww , yeah I was pretty sad too back then." I answered

Justin looked sad and I could feel that he felt guilty. I didn't mean to make him feel this way.

"Babe, don't feel guitly okay everyone makes mistakes we're happy now that's most important."

Jusitn hugged me and whispered "Sorry".

"I love you." I said back

"I love you too" 

We suddenly saw a flash 

"MOMMM" Justin screamed

"Aw , come on Jusitn that way to cute I needed to take a picture of that." She said

I just laughed 

"Get close to eachother and smile."

we both flashed our biggest smiles and Pattie took a pic. She was like obsessed with us. 

"Yeah now kiss his cheek." She said to me 

"Mommm.'" Justin Said again

I blushed and kissed his cheek 

a"www that one is the cutest ever." Pattie said with a big smile.

we both sticked our tongues out at Pattie when she quickly took another pic.

"Kay mom that's enough for now." Justin said

I just laughed 

"Come on admin it, U want them too." Pattie said

"Yeah , that's true actualy mom."

"I'll send them to you on Imessage."

"Kay , thanks mom."

"Do the fans know yet?" She asked us 

"No but we want to tell them soon." I answered 

"That's a great idea."

"Let's go home." Justin said.

We arrived at home. 

"I want to tell the fans now." Justin suddenly said 

"Okay, how u gonna tell them."

Justin took out his phone and typed something.

"Check Twitter." He said 

I went to twitter and saw this.

@JustinBieber: @Faith__ wanted to Beliebers to know as first ones. I can tell you that I got my girl back and we are now dating my best friend became my best girlfriend i love her

When I opened the picture I saw the one of me kissing his cheek. 

"Awww, Justin that's so sweet." I said kissing him 

He just cuddled all day and watch tons of movies and felt a sleep in eachothers arms wich felt like heaven 

You're everything I need in this world, Just us, Just You&Me

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