Chapter fifhteen

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A/N: hi guys I know I usualy update a lot and I know it's been a while but that's because I'm working. I feel so sorry but I'm really having a hard time personal too it's just a part of my life that I need to get trough wich is really hard, so yeh, I know this isn't a an excuse but pleseee forgive me?

Iloveyou'all and thank y'all for reading it means so much to me. It really keeps me together so yeh thanks (: btw: follow me on twitter @cheyenneee__  loveyaguys<3


Yesterday was awesome and while we were watching the movie I realised that me and Faith never really had a first date and. Know how much that means to a girl.

So, I've been thinking about planning a first date. I really want to make it special.

And most of all, I don't want the paps to find out cuz they could run everything! Like they always do!

I know once I rented the whole place for Selena to watch a movie but I don't want to do this with Faith, it needs to be more personal because I know her better and I know what she loves.

Okay Justin focus, what does Faith love?

Yeh, she lives Demi Lovato but I can't ask Demi on ou date that would be pretty awkward.

She loves her family a lot and since she can't see them a lot because they moved to Dallas a few years ago while she stayed in Canada.

I know it, I know it.

This is the best idea I ever had.

I made so phonecalls to her family and they were all so happy to hear me and loved the idea.

I went to wake up Faith since it was midday, yeh it was late yesterday whoaa don' think dirty he just went to the afterparty of After Earth. Jerry hasn't anything to do with this :p.

"Babe, wake up." I said kissing her nose.

She was putting her finger everywhere on my forehead

"Faith what are you doing?"

"Searching the snoozebutton."

"Don't have one, come with me." I said throwing her over my shoulder.


"Babeee, when did u do all of this?" She said when she saw a table full of food and fresh juice.

" While you were sleeping beautiful."

She blushed slightly and asked "Awww, why did you do this?"

"Cuz, I have something important to ask you."

"What? You're laking me curious she said.

"I know a first date means a lot to you."

 "What are you trying to say?" She asked me

"It's more ask then say."

" Then ask already you're making me nervous, Justin."

"Will you go on a first date with me? I promise to make it special for you."

"OMG, ofcourse babe, i love you."

" I love youu tooo" he said giving me a quick kiss and running towards the door

"Euhm, justy where you going?"

" Gotta plan our date baby."

"Oh come on, Stay with me."

"Nonono, I gotta fix this."

"I'll give u kisses."

"Noo, I can't, lt's a beautiful offore but nope."

"Oh soo you are saying that I wont be able to make u stay?"

"Yupp." He ansered me 

I started kissing his neck..

making let out a soft moan.

"U got me there." He said almost touching my lips

"So you'll stay?" I asked him kissing his neck further 

"I guess so."

I started jumping all around the place and yelled yeh I knew I could do it.

"Oh that was what it was all about?"

"Pretty much, I"m always right babe." I answered him

"oh like that." he said with an evil look 

That when I knew he was about do something and the only thing I could think was RUN

"I'm gonna get ya." he yelled trough the house.

"NEVER BIEBERRR." I yelled back 

gosh, this dude is fast 

"I will." He said when I heared his voice comming so close 

I looked behind me to see Justin so close to me 

I ran even faster when I suddenly felt the floor pretty close to me.

"Babe, are you okay?" I heared Justin rushing over to me.

Oh gosh why this always needs to happen to me. I always fall that's who I am gosh I hate my life

"yeah I guess." 

Justin picked me up bridail style.

"You see I have you." he said

"not cool." I answered.

"Awww, babe I know that you hate to lose." He said laughing

"Don't rub it in." I answered shortly.

"Awww, baby don't be mad.'"

I tried to look mad at him but I honestly really couldn't.

"You know baby that face is actualy so cute." He said kissing my nose

"I hate how I can't stay mad at you." I said to him smiling

"I love you." He said kissing my lips

"I love you too." I answered him kissing his cheeck.

"I love you more." He said kissing my nose

"I love you most." I answered him again kissing his jawline this time.

"I love you mostest." He said kissing my lips 

I was again one of those kisses that I loved the most that you could really feel our passion and love for eachother. 

When we pulled away I smiled at him and said " That's not even a word babe."

"It is now." He said

"But it's not possible Justin, you have no idea how much I love you."

"And you have no idea how much I love you Faith." 

It gave me for some reasson chills everytime I said my name. I have no idea why.

We kissed again and layed down all day in the coach watching movies and cuddeling. 

it was what I loved the most

'I coudln't handle losing you, because then I would lose a part of me.'





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