Chapter Three

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Heya guys I really wanna thank y'all for reading because it means the woooooorld to me. This chapter will be in Faith's POV and u can expect the unexpectable ;)

Love y'all 

Xoxo Cheyenne

I had been waiting for Justin for almost an houre now. He said he would be here in 5. 

I'm kind of worried. I tried to call him but he didn't pick up. 

I've never been this worried in my entire life probably because he means so much to and I just had him back. I don't wanna let him go again right now. What if he changed his mind and doesn't want to be friends anymore and he's going to ditch me agian? NO FAITH JUST NO. U can't think that of Justin he would do that.

I couldn't handle myself right now so decided to call pattie 


"Hi Pattie, it's Faith."

"Oh hi babe, it's been a while."

"Yeah it has but I wonder if u know if Justin's still there"

"No, he left an houre ago to meet you."

" Yeah I know he would come over but he's still not here and I'm kind of worried."

"Oh , he'll be fine. He's probably just getting u a gift or something."

"Kay, thank you Pattie. Talk to you later."

"Bye babe"

I really didn't feel good about this something happend with Justin. I just could feel it. I was have some serious pannick attacks. I decided to search him even while that was a little bit impossible

I got in my careand searched for Justin. I thought I would find him if I drove the way from my house to his house because he needed to take that way. 

I saw something that could only happen in my worse nightmares. I saw that Justin's car bumped into the one in front of him. I saw ambulances and suddenly it all went blank...

A Few Houres Later.

I heared whispering it sounded like Justin. He kissed my cheeck. I wish I could hear what he said but I couldn't.I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes but it was hard they felt so heavy

I opened my eyes and saw the face of a Angel.

"You're awake babe" Jusitn said

"Yeah what happend?"

"You passed out in your car and bumped your car made a crazy spin and you bumped with your head against the steering wheel."

"But wait. I don't remember that but weren't you the one that had an accident?"

"Yeah but it was not that bad I only broke my arm" Justin said while showing his arm

"Oh okay, I was so worried about you. I thought I lost you again."

"Babe, same you lay here for houres looking lifeless."

"Sorry, how long have u been here."

"As long as u were here. So around 3 houres."

"Thank you Justin." 

"No thanks, I missed you so much Faith." He said kissing my cheeck

"I missed you too but something diffrent can I go home or I need to stay."

" The doc said you can go home but someone needs to take care of you cuz your ribs are almost broken so you were very lucky that they aren't and someone needs to  take care of the scratches on your face."

"But who will do that? My parents moved to London remember?"

"I know that's why you're staying at my house."

"Thank you, Justin."

"Can you stop saying thank you." He said laughing

This meant the world to me I could stay at his place. That was like a dream. I wish he knew how much i love him. But I can't ruin our friendship so I guess I'll just have to hide it. My words can't even explain how much I missed him. Seeing his perfect voice and hearing his perfect voice.

We got home

"I'm tired, Justin" I said.

"Let's go to bed, It's in the middle of the night." 

" I don't wanna sleep alone right now. I feel so lonely." 

"Babe, we can cuddle you can sleep with me. You know I wont do anything."

that was actualy so true because I could trust Justin so well. I slept with him before well not like that but just in the same and he never tried anything he really is the best friend in the entire world.

"I know you wont."

We got into bed and cuddled the whole time. It had been an hard long emotional day for both us.

"I love you." I whispered to Justin while kissing his cheeck

"I love you too." He said back smiling.

"Don't ever leave me again. I missed you so much."

"I wont. I missed you too. Sorry Faith."

"Forever&Always?" I asked him

"I promise" He said when he held out his pinky

"I pinkypromise now" He explained 

"You're the best best friend someone could ever imagine Justin."

"No you are" He said

I layed my head on his chest and felt asleep

It all those little things that mean the world to me but he will never know...

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