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I love how you readers are liking this story! You are all so kind and supportive to both me and the story! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Don't forget to vote and comment and if you want you could even follow me! Well I'll see you all later! Bai~ <3

.:JAKE'S P.O.V.:.

We just stood there looking at each other like complete and total idiots.

"Uh....." Dirk once again failed to create a conversation.

"Listen Dirk," I let out a sigh. This is gonna hurt both of us. "I think we need some time apart so we could.... Figure this out."

"Are you suggesting we break up?" He asked with no expression but his voice told me that he was scared.

"......Temporarily, yes." That really did hurt me in the inside but I won't let it show. "Just until we figure this out, until then I am your roommate once again."

"Cool." I heard him say. Painful.  "I'm gonna sleep in my room. You could sleep in your old room beside mine."

I hold back my tears and give him a half hearted smile. "Sounds swell. Well, goodnight Dirk."

"Goodnight Jake." He glanced at me then went into our- I mean, his room.

I did the same. You know that feeling when you give your crush your last cookie and that person just grabs it and leaves you there forever? I think I'm feeling that right now. What was that word again? Regret? Yeah, that's it regret.

I let out a sigh as I felt a stream of water down my face, must be my sorry excuse for tears. I cried myself to sleep that night. I was such an idiot to Dirk.

.:DIRK'S P.O.V.:.

I felt hurt last night. He broke up with me. We just started dating a couple of months ago and he wants us to break up. Unbelievable.

I tried my best to play it cool all the way though I bet he saw right through my act like clean glass. I cried myself to sleep that night.

How could all of this happen just because of a silly prank. It's either I'm the idiot or he is.

Anyway it's a new day, time to start fresh. I'll try to ignore my boyfriend- ex-boyfriend I mean. Totally over that douche.

"Morning bro!" Dave yawns out. "Where's your boyfriend- I mean uncle Jake? Are you guys still.... Dating?"

"No little bro we're not." I replied sadly. I could see how surprised the boy was.


"Because I made a big mistake that I don't think I could fix." I patted him on the shoulder and left him there.

Dave was too young to understand what I was going through. I shouldn't of bothered the boy with my personal love life.

"A uncle Diwk (Dirk)!" John ran up to me suddenly. "Bweakfast (Breakfast) is weady (ready)!"

"Okay thanks for the info. Now go and hang with Dave." I looked at his happy face turn into a sad one.

"I can't....." I heard him murmur.

"And why is that John?" I cock an eyebrow.

"We awe (are) fighting...." He replies as quiet as before.

I let out a sigh and kneal down to his height and grabs him by the shoulders. "Listen John, sometimes you fight with a person you care dearly about; sometimes it's the other way around. This fight will go on until someone solves it, and if neither wants to speak up then the fight will not me solved." I see him still confused so I went on with my lecture. "So I'm telling you if you want to be my brother's friend again then say sorry first. Take it from me, if you don't your sure to regret it really bad."

"Okay, thanks uncle Diwk (Dirk)." John ran off to God knows where (Possibly my brother's direction).

"That was beautiful you know." A familiar voice said at the back of me.

"Shit." I murmured under my breath.

Hi! Please don't hate me! \(;^;)/ I wanted a bit of drama but not too much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter since there is much to come very soon! Pls don't forget to follow me if you want (if not I don't mind •v•) and comment and vote! See you all very soon! <(•v•)/ Bye-bye!!! <3

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