Phase 2?

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Let's now go directly to the story shall we? •v•

.:DIRK'S P.O.V.:.

So, everything went back to normal. Well, kinda that is. Now knowing that my boyfriend was part of a mafia gang I don't think things could actually be normal anymore.

It's been two days, it's Friday now, by Saturday John and Rose would be picked up by Roxy and Jane. To be honest I'm gonna miss the snarky girl and the adorkable boy.

"Hey uncle Diwk (Dirk)?" John tugged on my pants. "Awe (Are) you gonna miss me and Wose (Rose)?"

I just start to chuckle. This kid was adorable as fuck. Can't wait to him when he's older. "Yeah. I will."

"Good!" He giggles. "Because I'll miss you too!" Little John suddenly hopped on to me and went for my ear. He then whispered, "Don't tell uncle Jake, but I like you more than I like him."

The kid likes me more than Jake? I never thought I'd see the day.

"Alright," I resist the urge to laugh. "I promise. Now, let's see where your uncle Jake is."


Me and little Egbert finally found the English man who was being tackled by kids? I just don't want to ask sometimes.

"Dirk!" He cried. "Help me!"

"How?" I gave a mental face palm.

"I don't know! They just caught me off guard!"


Jake English was caught off guard and was attack by kids, this day can't get any better.

"Alright," I sigh. "That's enough kids, stop."

"Thank you!"

"After half an hour."

"Fuck you!"

"I hope so." I chuckle.


Ah, home sweet home. The Felt mansion, a nice and cozy place full of welcoming members.

"Fuck you Snowman!"

Well, if you like shouting and shooting endlessly. Luckily, I am one of those people. Why would Jake wanna leave? Because he is a fucking idiot. Glad he's out of the picture.

Oh wait, no he isn't. My god damn father still refuses to start the competition until Jake gets his ass back here. Which, I don't understand, Jake has no chance in winning against me (probably against Calliope) but not me.

"Hey fucktard you listening?" My loyal member asked through a walkie talkie.

"Yeah, whatever." I mutter. That Asian lady should relax a damn bit. "So what have you found out?"


"Great- WHAT." I can't believe this damn bitch, can't do anything right.

"You heard. There nothing going on." She said bluntly in incorrect grammar.

"Damara, you are joking right?" I ask, slightly irritated.

"Nope. Jake is just attacked by kids." Damara sounded unamused as fuck.

"Fine." I mutter. "Is phase two ready?"


"Good. Tell me if our agents are ready." I then turned my walkie whatever off.


The idiot hung up. What a jerk. Can't believe I have to work with him. Anyway, I was pretty sure Meulin and Kurloz were practicing their 'script' in trying to capture English. For a deaf and mute they are quite a team.

"Ready?" I turn to the couple.

"Yep!" Meulin squealed. "I'm so excited! Aren't mew Kurloz?"

Kurloz just gave a simple nod. "Alright, failure not option." My English was just horrible it would have been better if they would just allow me to speak in Japanese.

.:DIRK'S P.O.V.:.


That was the doorbell, visitors. Yay. I walked towards the door and opened it widely to see a petite girl with messy ass hair and a extremely tall guy with as well a messy ass afro kinda style and stitches on on his mouth?

"Hello!" The girl practically screamed. What's up with her? "I'm Meulin and this is my boyfriend Kurloz! You must be Jake, right?"


"Good! Kurloz, you know what to do." The girl or 'Meulin' suddenly gave me this devilish grin.

I was confused as fuck until something hard hit my damn face. My beautiful face. Then everything went black.

.:JAKE'S P.O.V.:.


After a nasty half hour I escaped from the four devil's grasps. When I find Strider I'm gonna regret this. I nearly suffocated!

"Dirk!" I scream looking for the blonde but no response. "Where the hell are you?"

I kept looking to find a fully opened door and something red on the- Blood. No, that can't be blood, probably Dirk's cosplay blood, yeah he uses that all the time to attend conventions. But this actually looked too realistic, even for him to pull off. This could be real....

I knealed down and dipped my finger in the red liquid. What if I....


Yep, defiantly blood. Which means I just took a taste of probably Dirk's blood! He could be dead! Or injured!

"Dirk..." I murmur under my breath trying to hold back tears.

"Where are you..."

Woo! Cliffhanger! This is getting intense isn't it? •v• I am addicted to writing this story. I still need to plot an ending. I'm not saying the end of this story will be soon! No! Probably.... I'm not sure. What do you lovies think? Speak your mind on the comments. Bye-bye! <3 •v•/

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