Chapter Ten

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Kissing someone wasn't something she'd experienced before, Ewan could tell immediately

Argo couldn't handle the heat that climbed from her toes to her chest it surged into her head clouding her thoughts. Before she was aware she'd weakened in her struggles.

He guided her in the kiss, angling his head just so. He sought to enter with his tongue and she opened her mouth allowing him to do so.

Her body leaning towards him, she felt him release her wrist and she stepped closer as his hand laid on her waist pulling her closer. Her eyes squeezed shut when his hands moved under her shirt, his hands were hot and rough against her skin.

Her own hands started pulling at his shirt, trying to relieve him of it. She pulled back from him, only long enough to divest him of it. Tossing it aside, she let him grab her again. He lifted her and her legs wrapped around his waist.

She moaned as his callused fingers scrapped along the scars on her back.

He walked over to her desk, sitting her down he pulled back. "Does this mean you agree to my terms?"

She blinked, her eyes fogged with lust slowly cleared she frowned. "what?"

She gasped when she realized her top was gone, pushing him away she struggled to get down. "What is-!"

Ewan was amused at her confusion as to how she'd gotten on the table, he brushed his thumb across his lower lips, "You have never been kissed before Lass?"

She jerked her head towards him her eyes wide, her mouth gaped slightly.

"I-Of course I have!" She snapped indignantly, before she shoved past him and ran into the bathroom trying to find safety from Ewan's devilish grin, and sparkling eyes.


Breathing deeply, I stared at my face in the mirror, walking closer I placed a hand on my cheek and winced at how hot it was.

My brown eyes widened on the person staring back, my lips were plump from being freshly kissed and my eyes-my eyes sparkled.

Jerking my eyes from my face, I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on it. Breathing heavily, I could still feel the remnants of lust running in my veins. My claws had extended and the gold color in my eyes dimmed slowly.

Turning around, I leaned against the edge of the sink. Ewan... I'd spent the night outside to avoid being around him and then the man jumps me at the door.

I couldn't block the smile that came to my lips in amusement. Lifting a hand, I brushed my lips mimicking his earlier action.

Aagh, how was I going to look him in the face without blushing like crazy, or...worse.

The memory of his lips, and hands caused me to shudder. Forcing myself to forget, I jerked my bra off and walked over to the shower. I needed to cool off; so I wouldn't make a cake of myself when I stepped out of the bathroom.


Ewan watched Argo come out of the bathroom, her skin glowed, while her hair hung damply down slowly curling in the cold air.

He smirked when she purposely avoided his gaze, she'd wrapped herself up in a towel. He wondered why she'd even bothered since he had already seen it all after he'd brought her back to her room after her attempt at drowning herself.

He frowned in memory of her suicide attempt, he watched as she walked over to her closet and dropped the towel.

His mouth dried, as he watched her back move as she stretched up to grab something on top shelf inside her closet.

He stood, his feet moving quietly he moved up behind her. She stiffened, he leaned down letting his breath brush her ear, "Do you need my help Lass?"

She didn't move for a minute, but suddenly she jerked grabbing the shirt on the top shelf turning around she lifted her shirt, her eyes lowered. "I got it." Her voice was small, "You can, um go back."

"Lass, if you are so shy why do you come out without a stitch on?" He asked, half out of curiosity and half out of amusement and a desire to see her shy was cute, he thought silently to himself.

She jerked her head up, "Wolves don't care about things like that?" she didn't seem so sure of herself, "I-I mean nudity doesn't really-bother me..." She trailed off, her eyes becoming thoughtful as she looked him over.

Placing a hand on the waist band of his sweats, Ewan smirked, "Then I can drop these?"


She stepped forward and covered his hand with her own, "I-It's okay."

She stepped back and bent down grabbing her towel, she snatched a pair of sweats out of the closet and rushed back into the bathroom.

Ewan held back his groan as he watched her bottom bounce. When she closed the door, he growled in frustration and snatching up his own T-shirt he walked out. It would do him some good to wash in the falls in the woods.

If he didn't slow down, the girl would be pregnant with pups before the pastor said a word.


Seeing that Ewan had left, I let out a relieve sigh. One minute I was doing all I could to get away from him and the next I was finding it hard not to touch him. Stupid werewolf instincts.

Leaving my room, I was surprised to see Rorik outside my door. Closing my door behind me, I nodded to him and went to walk pass him.

"Are you-?"

Stopping I faced him confused, Rorik wasn't like Chelsey who found getting under peoples skin a life calling. He just hung in the background, never arguing against or for the treatment I went through.

Honestly despite being twins, Rorik and I shared little resemblance.

"Am I what?'

He pushed off the wall, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Are you really going to marry that guy?"

"And if I don't, is there something better that's coming?" Okay so it was a mean question towards the chosen son, but he couldn't really be serious. Aside from marrying Ewan I only had one other plan, and that was hitting the road after graduation.

"You do have another choice," Rorik insisted, "You could marry Travis instead of Chelsey. At least then you won't have to suffer the touch of a Puritan." He eyes narrowed in disgust, "To have someone like them welcomed into our tribe degrades the family name."

"Oh." I crossed my arms, he didn't hear the annoyed tone that leaked into my voice. "And so it's better if I'm sold to fathers favored lap dog?"

"At least he's one of us."

"So...o, Rorik you didn't say anything when Chelsey knocked me down at lunch." I felt my mouth harden, "You never told me to not pick up after you, but suddenly, magically you want me to deny the only escape I have from serving my own family for the rest of my life, is that it?"

His chest puffed up, his eyes determined. "As the future Alpha I merely followed the ways our people have lived by. As the omega your role is to be the picked on luckily you were born in to our family it should be an honor for you to be our servant."

For a minute I just stared at him, my arms falling listless by my side. Something came to mind like, how I shouldn't rush forward and how I shouldn't place my hand at the base of his throat and lift him up digging my claws into his throat but...that's what I'm doing.

Rorik cried out as he hung in the air his feet
kicking his eyes flared as he bared his teeth. But it was useless against my fury driven strength.


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