Chapter Fifteen

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Coming home I hadn't spoken to anyone, as I closed the door to my room. I leaned against it, lowering my head I stared at my toes. I could've been less dramatic when telling Ewan we had to stop being all cozy with each other.

Lifting my head, I took a deep breath. I was doing the right thing. Pushing off my door I walked over to my bed and laid down, rolling over I stared at the ceiling. Why did something so easy, become so complicated?

Lifting my hand, I stared at it observing the scars that marred the back of it.Closing it into a fist, I wanted to toss off this burden I felt on my shoulders. Letting my arm fall, I pursed my lips. I wasn't going to get any sleep any time soon.

Turning my head, I glanced outside through the window as the sky darkened. No one was home, the family had gone out for some banquet, no omega's allowed. A maid had quietly informed me of this when I'd first entered, I'd dismissed her and the rest of the staff after, wanting to be alone.

Lifting up I decided to escape this cold house, and it's strangling walls. Hopping off the bed I pulled off my bulky sweater, and jeans. Shuffling off my shoes, I walked over to my closet tossing my bra aside. Opening it I grabbed out a loose white sun dress, it was thin and wispy.

I didn't like wearing clothes when I went out to run, but I needed something in case someone came out.

Pulling it on, I walked out of my house. My bare feet seemed to sigh as soon as they touched dirt. The moon was crescent shaped and the clouds floated grey across the peaceful sky.

Stretching I breathed in deeply, taking in the smell of nature around me. I could hear the animals who moved in the brush. My nails extended as I got excited at the idea of hunting.

One step forward, followed quickly by another and soon I was racing through the woods. My heart pounded , as I chased down a female dear. The scent of her fear filled the air driving me own in my chase.

Dodging branches, and jumping over boulders. Stimulated by my environment, I let out an eager growl. Coming to the lake that's source was the ever falling waterfall. I stopped seeing the deer was crossing the river. I didn't hesitate as I rushed forward using one of the rocks as a spring board I leapt at it grabbing it by its head I spun breaking its neck while simultaneously dragging it into the water.

Keeping my hold on the dead deer I swam towards the river side. I stood moving hair from my face.


Turning my head in surprise, I found myself staring at (again) half-nude Ewan wearing only his black and gold kilt.

He looked me over his glacial blue eyes, heated as he took in my wet body. "What are you doing here?"


This had to be an allusion. Argo was standing in front of him, wet in nothing but a white shift. That gave him a visible view of her nipples. It dipped in the curves of her body, she stared at him her amber eyes wide in confusion and innocents.

She also held a deer in one hand, it's body dragging behind her.

After her words in his room, he'd felt frustrated that he was unable to deny fully her accusation. Tired of thinking about it, he'd gone out for a run. Now he found himself staring at a brown-skinned goddess. Whose hair was in loose curls from the water weighing it down.

"What are you doing out here?"

She blinked as if his words were dragging her from deep thought. "Ah," She lifted the deer, "I was hunting." Her voice held no emotion, "I felt like it would be a good night for hunting." She continued her way onto the shore, "I'm sorry for intruding I'm done now."

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