Chapter 1: dad?

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Ariella's POV

I woke up to a bunch of shouting going on downstairs, it's only 11 At night what the hell could it be! As I walk downstairs the shouting and banging only gets louder. We live in a quiet town in California so I'm pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood could hear. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw My mom and Steven yelling and throwing pans, vases, and whatever else they could get their hands on.

"What's going on?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper but somehow they heard.

"Get the fuck upstairs Ariella!" Steven screamed.

"Don't talk to my daughter like that get out!" My mom yelled.

The sudden outburst from my mother was the last straw for Steven started marching towards her and he had this evil gleam in his eye. He grabbed the knife closest to him and stabbed her repeatedly. I screamed and immediately called 911.

" hello what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said.

"I need help! My moms boyfriend just stabbed my mom!" I was Bawling and screaming nervously.

"Sweetie were tracking your phone and sending someone there right away"

I hung up and hid in the living room since I couldn't up the stairs or he would see me. I watched as he realized what he was doing and he dropped the knife and kept repeating "no no no" over and over again. He tried to make a run for it but the police caught him. I immediately ran to my mother crying and screaming for her to wake up. It was no use, I watched as the medics picked up my mother's lifeless body and covered it with a sheet. I cried and cried until I couldn't take it anymore I eventually fell asleep on the couch with cops surrounding my house.

I woke up to someone shaking me and I looked up to a see a lady in her mid forties with long blond hair and a pair of glasses.

"Hi darling, I'm a social worker, I just came to ask you a couple of questions alright?" She asked sweetly.

I nodded not being able to talk, the experience of last night was just too traumatic.

"Do you have any family that you know that could take you in?"

I shook my head, my mom was an only child so I have no aunts or uncles and my grandparents had passed a year ago.

"It says here that you have a dad and he is not in jail and has not passed away, have you ever met him?"

"No I've never heard anything about him" I admitted finally gaining the energy to speak.

"Well I guess this is settled, I will call your dad while you go pack your things, try to bring as little as possible.

I nodded and went to my room, this is all happening way too fast. I pulled out my pink suitcases and started to fill them clothes, I just packed all of my clothes because I have no idea what the whether is like where I'm going. I hope it's close to California because I just love that I know everything about this place. I know what you're thinking Doesn't she care about her friends? The thing is there are people I talk to at school but they aren't really friends, like if I told them I'm moving it wouldn't really change their lives except for the fact that they have no one to talk to in biology.

Once I finished with my clothes I grabbed a small box with pictures of me and my mom, we were much closer when I was younger but that was when she didn't have a job as important as she does now, or had I guess. I looked through the pictures and started to bawling again, I heard footsteps so I quickly whipped my tears and zipped up my suitcase. I got dressed in some fresh clothes and went into the hallway to be met with the social worker.

"Well your dad is more than happy to take you in, but he does live in England," she said

She didn't even give me enough time to process the information before she handed me a plane ticket and sent me in a uber to the airport. The whole drive there I was in complete shock, I thought I'd be moving to another state! Not a whole other country! I put on my music and aimlessly stared out the window until we arrived at the airport. I thanked the driver and made my way inside.

20 minutes later I finally figured out where to go, I absolutely hate airports especially by myself. They called my flight for boarding and I made my way onto the plane. I sat in my seat and fell asleep before the plane even took off.

I woke up greeted by the sun shinning in my face. I pulled the shade down and rested my head in the back of my seat. Once again images of the night before flooded through my brain and I felt a warm tear sliding down my cheek. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I hadn't even realized that the plane had landed and people were filing off the plane. I got up and made my way off to be greeted by a bunch of people holding signs I looked until I found one that said "Ariella Malik". So that's my last name, I never really had one my mom just called me Ariella and at my school the attendance sheet just didn't have a last name there.

I approached the man and he smiled down at me, he was super tall.

"Hello you must be Ariella, I'm a friend of your dads, let me take your luggage for you."

I nodded and tried not to laugh at his accent, it was all so strange to me.

"Thank you," I said has he put my luggage into his car.

"Ah you're from America aren't you, get ready for a lot more rain and snow than you must be used to." He chuckled

I groaned in my head, I'm absolutely terrified of storms, I pushed the thought out of my head and put my earbuds in, "Something in the water" by Carrie underwood started playing and I quietly hummed along while looking out the window.

About 1 and a half hours later we pulled up to a gigantic house, think of the biggest house you've ever seen and triple the size of it and you'll have the house were in front of now.

I gaped at it as he took my luggage and guided me to the front door. All of the sudden the door opened and there stood my dad, but not only my dad but Zayn Malik surrounded by 4 other guys (A/N Zayn is still apart of 1D in this)

"Ariella?" He asked


Well there is the first chapter, don't forget to vote! I don't even know what to write here so let me just give you a brief description so you know who I am. My name is Genevieve I live in Florida and I'm 15 and a sophomore, that's pretty much it. I'm not very interesting😝

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