Chapter 23: Belated Birthday, nightmares, and adoption

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Ariella's POV

I'm finally aloud to get out of the hospital today and dad said that we can celebrate my birthday which I'm so happy for. Daddy left early with all of the boys to get things ready at home so it's just dad and me right now waiting for the doctor to come in. I was gonna be here for another two hours and I was tired and bored but didn't want to sleep.



"Can you hold me?" I asked sticking out my bottom lip.

"Of course I can!" He answered scooping me into his arms.

I smiled as I leaned against his chest, he's like a big teddy bear and is super warm. I felt myself drifting off to sleep before I could even say anything.

I woke up to the sounds of screaming and bright flashes, I looked up to see dad was carrying me to the car and there was paparazzi everywhere, and it scared me shitless, I curled up into dad more as they asked pointless questions.

"Liam who is this girl?"

"Is she your sister?"

"Is Harry dating her?"

Finally we were in the car and I jut looked up at dad because I was not expecting that to happen.

"Dad what was that?"

"Just the stupid papa wanting a stupid photo but don't worry, there will be an article about you put later this week so people shouldn't be as curious," he explained.

I just nodded and stared out the window as Paul drove us home, we finally arrived and I climbed out of the car and took dads hand then went inside. I opened the door to be met by all of the lights turned off, dad went to turn them on and everyone jumped out.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Dads, and my uncles screamed.

I smiled and hugged each of them this was awesome even if I was unconscious for my real birthday.

"Now let's start with monopoly then just dance then a movie marathon where we will all eventually fall asleep and then we can go for dinner!" Uncle Louis cheered.

"Yes!" I yelled excited.

They all chuckled as we sat don't for a very very competitive game of monopoly, me and daddy lost almost immediately so we joined dads team but overall Uncle Harry ended up winning. After that we played just dance where me and Dad took the winning titles and now we're sitting down to watch the best movie of all time Air Bud.

"This is the bestest movie ever! I can't believe you guys have never seen it!" I exclaimed.

I got a blanket from the closet and pulled it across me and Uncle Harry, Dad was with Daddy, and Uncle Niall was with Uncle Louis.
The movie quickly ended and Uncle Niall wasted no time putting in a horror movie causing me to groan, I mean seriously, I'm terrified of everything.

We were only 10 minutes into the movie and I was already hiding my face in Uncle Harry's chest, which of course made everyone laugh, then it got to a scene where some guy was just beating up this girl and the flashbacks started to come back from the night I was taken, I think dad noticed too because after he took one look at me he started yelling.

"Turn off the movie!!!! Louis turn it off!" He yelled.

Louis rushed and took the remote and turned it off and everyone came over to me making sure I was alright.

"Believe me guys I'm totally fine," I said putting on a fake smile.

"Okay, maybe we should all take a nap before we go for dinner, so let's go everyone upstairs," dad said.

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