Chapter 8: Forgive and forget?

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Ariella's POV

I woke up the next morning to find myself in Uncle Liam and Dad's bed alone. I yawned and walked downstairs to see all the boys in the kitchen, nobody was talking and you could cut the tension in the room.

"Hey buttercup!" Uncle Louis said trying his best to break the tension.

He came over and gave me a huge hug and kiss on the forehead, Dad saw me and smiled and motioned for me to sit next to him. Harry was standing on the other side of the kitchen but I still kept my head down. Dad rubbed my back and Uncle Liam placed pancakes in front of me, I was about to eat them but Uncle Niall stopped me.

"How could you serve these pancakes Liam, it's a disgrace!" Uncle Niall said.

Everyone looked at Uncle Niall like he had two heads but Uncle Niall just went to the fridge and got the whipped cream and then got chocolate chips from the pantry. He sprayed whipped cream on the pancakes and topped them with chocolate chips.

"Gosh Liam, i just saved you from a cooking disaster right there!" Uncle Niall said as I giggled and Uncle Liam rolled his eyes in an amusing way.

Uncle Harry came over and took a seat next to me, my back immediately stiffened and I almost froze in place. I looked down and slowly ate my pancakes being careful not to disturb him. To say I was prettified at the moment is an understatement.

*1 week later*

Well it's a week later and the situation with Uncle Harry hasn't really gone anywhere, I just try to ignore him as much as I can which usually means I don't go in the video game room. I've been thinking about forgiving him, I mean everyone else has but they just tell me to take all of the time I need.

Everyone left for a meeting for your that will be happening in a couple of months so I went to the kitchen when I saw Uncle Harry standing there.

"Oh uh sorry I just uh I'll be leaving now" I rushed.

"No! Wait! Ariella I need to talk to you," Uncle Harry said.

I slowly walked back in and took a seat at the island and he stood in front of me.

"I'm so sorry about what happened I am such an idiot, I drank too much that night and blamed you for something that happened over five years ago before I even met or knew about you. I had never drank that much in my life and I never plan on doing it again, you're too important for me to loose and I really hope you can forgive me because I love you so much, I was supposed to protect you but I harmed you and I hate myself everyday for it, just please please give me a second chance because I promise that I will never ever hurt you again." He admitted.

"I can't stay mad at you forever Uncle Haz, no matter how much I try," I said as a smile played on both of our faces.

I embraced him in a hug and it lasted for about 5 minutes long, I knew that wasn't the real Uncle Harry that night.

"Race you to the game room!"I yelled.

I squealed and started running but then felt myself being lifted up, Uncle Harry smirked and ran us to the game room. I giggled as we played just dance for about 3 hours until we heard a bunch of footsteps.

We left the game room to greet the boys and when we got there Uncle Simon was there too.

"Uncle Simon!" I yelled.

"Bug!" Uncle Simon yelled as he hugged me.

Me and Uncle Simon were pretty close now because he babysits sometimes or he just comes over for meetings but I think it's just because he misses me.

Zayn Malik is my dad?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora