Chapter 2: the truth

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Ariella's POV

He immediately smiled big and gave me a huge hug, I hugged back but was utterly confused because you think he wouldn't like me considering I've never met him before. He pulled away and led me inside.

"Well, welcome home I guess, you can have a seat on the couch because I'm sure you have very many questions," he said and then smiled warmly at me.

I just nodded and sat down on one couch while he sat on the chair across from me.

"Ariella, I want to start by saying I'm so incredibly sorry that I haven't been here for your life but the thing is I never knew about you. Your mother dumped me because she thought things weren't working out and I never heard from her until two months ago. Ever since I found out I have been trying to gain some sort of custody but now you're here and I'm so sorry that you're here because of your mother's passing but I promise I'm never leaving again," he admitted.

By now he was sitting next me and I immediately tackled him in a hug, no one has ever cared that much for me and the fact that he tried to get custody right when he found out is amazing.

"Thank you so much," I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Shh don't cry love, I'm here now and everything will be alright."

He kissed my head and held me and that's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

I woke up later and saw that it was almost dark out, wow I guess I needed sleep after all that happened in the passed day. I walked downstairs and heard people in the kitchen, I went into the kitchen and dad noticed me instantly.

"Did you have a nice nap love?"

"Yea, sorry if I wasn't supposed to fall asleep" I answered a bit nervously, I had just met my dad and I was a bit nervous around him because I didn't want him to hate me.

"Now worries! You had a rough couple of days," he ruffled my hair and then one of the boys coughed. "Oh right! These are my bandmates and now your uncles I guess, thats Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis in case you didn't know" he smiled.

I smiled and waved shyly, they all smiled and waved back. Liam walked over and stood in front of me.

"Would you like to help with dinner sweetie?"

I nodded and followed him over to the pan where he was making sauce, he would hand me the stuff to add and let me stir and I got to taste it. It was delicious!

   A half an hour later dinner was finally finished and we all sat at the table.

"So Ariella tells us more about yourself since we don't know that much," Louis said.

"Well I'm 11 years old and I'm in 6th grade, my favorite color is lime green, I love to draw but I'm not very good, oh and I love fashion and shopping!"

They all smiled and we just made small talk and they told me about themselves the rest of the dinner. I helped clear dishes and then me and Harry washed them, he's really funny but he did break two plates. Whoops!

"Ariella you've had a long day why don't you get ready for bed and I will up there in a little bit!"


I ran upstairs and found my suitcases, I put on my panda Onesie, brushed my hair and teeth, and put my clothes in the hamper. I took this time to look around my room and it was absolutely beautiful. It was a light blue, hot pink, and white themed. It was stunning! (Picture attached). I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Dad Walked in to see me looking around.

"This room is gorgeous!"

"I'm glad you like it! I had people come design right when I got the call, I wanted it to be perfect."

"This is better than perfect!"

He sat on the bed and motioned for me to come over I smiled and laid down next to him with his arm around my shoulders pulling me close.

I almost forgot about everything that happened but then it all started to come back and the image of my mom being stabbed wouldn't leave my mind.

I think Dad noticed because he looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head.

"Maybe it will be better if you talk about it love." He said as he pulled me closer.

"I saw it happen," I cried "everything, he killed her right in front of me"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, it's okay it's all over now, you won't have to see anything like that ever again as long as I'm around" he whispered as he let me sob into his shirt.

I eventually calmed down and he started to talk again.

"We never got a chance to talk about your life before here how was it living with your mother"

"Well it was okay but it wasn't really like I had a mother, sure she gave me clothes and electronics and stuff but she never actually asked me about school or celebrated my birthday , she never came home for dinner either, I would always make it and leave her some for when she stumbled in the door at 1 am."

He hugged me again and whispered comforting things in my ear, he then started singing and I smiled His voice is absolutely beautiful.

"How many nights does it take to count the stars? That's the time it would take to fix..." That's the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

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