Chapter 13: Sickness and cuddles

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Ariella's POV

I woke up and no one was around, that was very odd considering Uncle Harry was also sick too. Maybe they forgot about me? I really wanted to cuddle and I just felt especially clingy to my dads today. I let a couple whimpers out as I waited for someone to show up, 5 minutes later daddy is coming from upstairs with blankets, pillows, movies, books, and games. He rushes over when he sees me crying and sits right next to me.

"Baby girl what's wrong are you feeling okay?"

"I thought you left"

"Babygirl don't worry I was just getting stuff, dad is also in the kitchen getting stuff for you to eat," he said calmly.

"Cuddles please?"

"Of course babygirl!" He said as he laid down on the couch pulling me into his chest.

I cuddled closer to daddy as Dad came in with crackers and ginger along with Uncle Harry who was eating chocolate?

"Uncle Haz if you're sick why are you eating chocolate?"

"Cuz I feel like it, want some?" He asked.

"Ye-" I was cutoff by Dad

"No you don't because Uncle Harry will regret it later!" Dad said.

"Cmon dad don't be a poop bag!"

He just rolled his eyes as the door bell rang and he went to answer the door, when dad comes back he's holding a huge package.

"Who ordered something that takes up that huge box?" Daddy asked.

"It says it's for Ariella," Dad said.

"I didn't order anything!" I said as I took the package with great difficulty and opened it on the floor.

When I saw what was inside I couldn't help but gasp, it was all of the stuff I had left behind at my mother's house, pictures, documents, photo albums, childhood toys, moms jewelry, you name it and it was there. I didn't know if I wanted this stuff or not, I mean it was a reminder of how much things sucked. I looked at daddy mentally asking him to go through it with me and he gladly joined me on the floor. Soon enough Dad came around with another big box and joined us on the floor, it was great to show my dads all of my childhood pictures, there was even a box with pictures of my mom and dad which I was happy to actually have pictures of him now.

A half hour later we were almost done when we got to the bottom of the box and there was a letter, it had a date that was a week before my mom had passed, they were boarding school papers for a school in New York. They were signed and everything just needed to seal the envelope and mail it out. I felt a warm year fall down my cheek while looking at it, Dad and daddy who were looking at a picture of me saw me crying and immediately asked what was wrong. I handed them the papers. and sat there crying for like the millionth time today. Daddy looked up at and didn't even know what to say as he handed dad the papers.

"She didn't even want me, she was going to send me away and stay with that stupid boyfriend while she sent me across the country!" Then I started to get very angry. "I bet she regrets it now! Hanging with that stupid boyfriend who killed her, she's dead, she stayed with a murderer than with her own daughter" I yelled.

I picked up a picture of us together and threw it  and just sat there crying forever, I know it wasn't her fault but that man was horrible. My dads were by my side in less than two seconds holding me and not letting go while I just cried.

"Daddy this happened so long ago why does it hurt so much," I sobbed.

"It's okay babygirl, you have me and dad and all of your uncles, we're gonna help you until it doesn't hurt, were never leaving you," he said kissing my forehead.

I nodded and wiped my tears and dismissed myself to take a shower, as I was showering I looked at the cuts on my wrist, I was itching to cut but I regret the ones I have already even if they're a bit faded. I got out of the shower and put on something comfortable to wear which of course included Dad's sweatshirt, I laid down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling until I heard the door open and I felt someone lay down next to me. I looked over and saw Uncle Louis, he had his hands behind his head looking at the ceiling too.

"What are you thinking about cupcake?" He asked.

"Will I ever get a break?"

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

"It's always one bad thing after another recently, I just want to catch a break and be able to be happy," I muttered.

Uncle Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulders and looked at the ceiling before answering.

"Cupcake if you keep thinking about all the negative things you won't realize all of the great things happening, like you finally got to meet your dad, how about having Liam as your dad, you get to go on tour, and you have an incredibly amazing and super sexy uncle named Louis!" He said.

I giggled and looked up at him "What about Uncle Niall and Uncle Harry?"

"Oh yea I guess they're part of the package too," he says causing me to laugh even more.

"See, just by thinking about them puts a smile on your face, don't sweat all the bad stuff because it just makes you even stronger and even more amazing than you already are," he finishes and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

I smiled and hugged him super tight before falling asleep.

A/N Sorry that was super short I have been busy and I am thinking of some ideas for this, feel free to suggest anything you want to see!

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