Chapter 3- Getting to know you

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Zayn's POV-

It was around 10 pm and Ariella had was now asleep. I untangled my arms from her waist, being careful not to disturb her, kissed her forehead, and walked downstairs to be greeted by the rest of the guys.

"What took ya so long?" Louis asked

"She explained what happened and it turns out she had seen the death of her mother and she basically was alone her whole life because her mother was never home," I explained.

I sighed and sat down with my head in my hands and felt like I could cry.

"And it's all my fault," I admitted.

"Zayn, mate you know it is definitely not your fault, you did not even know about her and once you did you didn't waste a second trying to gain custody, you're gonna be an amazing father and you have forever to be with her now." Harry says.

"Thanks mate"

I smiled as I wiped my eyes and got up, I waved goodnight to all the boys and climbed into my room and fell asleep, thinking of how lucky I am to have Ariella with me.

Ariella's POV

I woke up to two gigantic hands shaking me awake, I looked up to see that those hands belonged to Dad.

"Get up love, we a big day ahead of us!" Dad cheered.

I nodded and smiled softly as I walked over to my walk in closet, I was so tired, I had woken up an hour after I fell asleep and I couldn't get rid of all the pictures that were causing me nightmares. I didn't fall asleep until 4:30 am and It's 8:00 am now.

I got dressed in some black lulu lemon leggings, chestnut uggs, and a pink sweater with a black infinity scarf. I quickly pulled my hair and ran downstairs. All of the boys were down there waiting for me with their coats on, I smiled and pulled on a coat as they explained that we were on our way to the mall.

    We got into a car with all the seats facing each other so it was Liam driving, Niall in the passenger seat, me next to Dad, and Louis next to Harry. I tried my best to pay attention to conversation but I ended up zoning out and almost falling asleep until we got to the mall. We climbed out of the car and me and Dad went off to get a table at a restaurant for breakfast while the other boys went to pick out some shirts at Nordstroms. (A/N I don't know any London stores so I'm just using American ones!) We went to an IHOP and got seated after a 5 minute wait.

When we sat in the booth the lady handed us menus but we told her we were going to wait about 10 minutes.

Dad smiled at me and I smiled back. We just made small talk for the next couple minutes and I tried my best to stay awake, and I'm pretty sure Dad noticed again. Dang he's good at this thing.

"Are you doing okay love? You seem a bit off," he observed

"I'm just a bit tired," I lied, I was 10 times more than tired.

"I don't think so, you seem more than tired is everything alright?"

I didn't want to bother him with my problems and just as I was about to make up another lie the boys walked in.

"We'll talk about this later" he said.

"HEY GUYS!" Louis screamed , right next to my ear might I add.

"Right next to ya Lou" I muttered

He just smiled and sat on one side of me as Liam sat on the other and Zayn was in between Niall and Harry.

Breakfast went by quickly and we did a little bit of shopping, since it was morning there were no teenage girls around considering it's a school day for most people here, so the boys weren't noticed at all. Speaking of school I don't know what I'm going to do for it but I'm sure as heck not going to mention it.

  We were walking to the car and I had to give all my energy to walk the correct way. This was horrible. We climbed into our same seats we had on the way here. I laid my head on Zayn's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You never told me why you weren't feeling very well." He said.

By now all attention was on me so I had to say something and there was no getting out of it.

"I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"But Zayn said you were asleep when he left the room." Louis chimed in.

"I woke up an hour later."

"What time did you go to sleep?" This question came from Harry.

"Like 4:30 am" I sighed " I was scared to fall asleep."

"Love you could have come and got one of us" Liam said.

" I didn't want to bother you I just got here."

"Ariella you will never bother me or any of the boys, next time that happens come get one of us, now just focus on getting some sleep I'm going to go pick up some medicine in case this happens again." Zayn explained as he kissed my head reassuringly and got out of the car.

Harry got in the drivers seat and Liam came to the back and sat me in his lap. I leaned my head on his chest and fell asleep while taking in his scent which by the way smelt like sugar cookies.

I woke up and saw that it was 1 pm, wow! I slept for 3 hours!

I walked downstairs to see someone I didn't expect to see standing there.

Thinking of adding a bit of Adding either Ziam, Zarry, Zouis, or Ziall. Comment which you prefer!

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