Chapter 11: Wedding day

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Ariella's POV

It's been 3 months since the storm and I'm still very clingy to my dad, I don't know why I just get this weird unsafe feeling when he isn't with me and I can't see him, I haven't slept in my own bed in 2 months. Today isn't about that though because it's WEDDING DAY! I was helping Uncle Harry set up tables and chairs while Uncle Louis and Uncle Niall showed the people where to put flowers and decorations. Of course Uncle Simon was looking like he was doing something but in all reality he was just sitting there. This is the day my dad and Uncle Liam have been dreaming of for months and it's finally here. I finished helping Uncle Harry and went off into a small room to finish a project I was working on for my dad and Uncle Liam, I had been taking a ton of pictures of them throughout the time I've been here and I put it into a slideshow with a bunch of their favorite songs. I was interrupted by Uncle Niall coming in.

"Ariella it's time for you to get dressed, the wedding is starting soon and people have already arrived!"

I rushed into a dressing room and slipped on my light blue dress and fixed my curled hair by adding a gold bow to the back, and I put on my heals, which my dad doesn't know about yet. I went off to my dads dressing room to give one final good luck.

I ran over and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"You look beautiful babygirl"

"You look very handsome daddy! Now go before you're late to your own wedding!"

I walked off to sit in my seat and gave Uncle Liam and hug and a kiss on a cheek at the altar before I sat down in the front row next to Uncle Niall, Uncle Louis, and Uncle Harry. Music started and we turned around to see Uncle Simon walking my dad down the aisle, I tested up as I took a picture and watched him, I blew my dad a kiss as he walked up and stood in front of Uncle Liam.

*much wedding ceremony later*

"I know pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom!"

I cheered as they kissed and ran out of the church together, I smiled and took Uncle Harry's hand as we went down to where the party would be held.

We were half way through the party and it was time for me to present the slideshow that I had and I was excited to see their reactions. I went up and the Dj handed me the microphone, no one knew about this not even my Uncles so I was glad I did it all with no help.

"Excuse me everyone could I please have for attention?" I asked and everyone turned their heads to face me.

"Today is a very special day, my dad and my Uncle or soon to be dad finally got married and I couldn't be happier for them, I may be a handful but they're both always there for me and the minute I showed up they welcomed me with open arms and gave me the best life I could ask for. They have shared so many special moments and I thought I could share some with you guys! This ones for you guys dad and Uncle Liam!" I said and then pressed play.

I smiled at all of the photos until the 10 minute slideshow was finally over, I stepped off stage and walked over to my dad and Uncle Liam who had tears in their eyes. I hugged them tight never wanting to let go.

"I love you guys so much!" I said.

"We love you too" they replied.

The night was almost over and the DJ called out for a first dance and I smiled as Uncle Liam and Dad took the floor and started dancing. The song was over and another slow song played, Dad came over and took my hand and brought me to the middle of the floor and danced with me. Halfway through Uncle Liam took me from Dad and danced with me I smiled as I leant my head on his chest as his head was on my shoulder and we danced.

"Hey uncle Liam?"

"Yes kitten?"

"You're not really my Uncle anymore, would you be okay with it if I called you dad?"

"I would love that kitten!" He said tearing up.

"Dad will be daddy and you'll be dad, I love you so much!" I smiled.

"I love you too!" He replied.

The night was over and it was time for me to say goodbye to dad and daddy, I had tears in my eyes as their suitcases were packed in the car and we were standing outside. Dad came over to me first and gave me a big hug.

"We'll be home before you know it kitten, it's just a week and a half!" He comforted and hugged me again giving me a kiss on the forehead and hopped in the car.

I cried even more when I saw daddy standing there, he had tears in his eyes because he could never stand seeing me upset.

"I'm sorry babygirl but we'll be back soon okay? Call me every day and watch your uncles for me," he said half smiling.

I giggled and nodded pulling him in for another hug, I always feel the need to be near either my dad or daddy and now that they're both leaving I don't know what I'm gonna do.

"I love you daddy!"

"I love you too baby girl!" He said as he climbed into the car and with that they were gone.

Sorry it's short! Anyways merry Christmas Eve! Might not update unless I feel like updating tonight.

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