I didn't do it, did I?

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Our heads all shot around to the source of the noise. Behind me, in the doorway, stood a woman with red, short hair. She looked bemused at the look of shock that was plastered on my face.
"Who are you?" I asked her quite bluntly.
"I am Jenny Sheppard, Director of NCIS. And who are you, seeing as Special agent Gibbs decided not to notify me of any visitors in this building?" She asked back, sending a glare at Gibbs, who gave no reaction.
"I don't know, I guess that's why I am here. And it looks like you're not the one to help me." I replied, earning a smirk from both Abby and Gibbs. The director did not look so amused.
"An English accent, you'll get along with Ducky, no doubt. Gibbs, can I have a word?" She requested, he didn't say anything but strolled back to the elevator and I guess the director took that as a yes, because she followed.
"Abby, what's going on, isn't she Gibbs' boss if she is the director? Shouldn't he have told her about me?" I asked her, Abby was now drinking a drink called Caf-Pow, it looked weird to me. While she was drinking, she was typing one handed on her computer, it was an algorithm to check for bugs in the system. I didn't know how I knew that, but I guessed my job will have helped.
Abby shrugged, "Gibbs doesn't take orders very well, to say he was a marine, he is really bad at taking orders. You'll understand once you get to know him, or at least once you know how he works, no one really gets to know him. The director seemed pretty angry though, but we will see how it went in a few minutes." I nodded, not really taking in what she said. I was nervous that the director would send me away before I could find out who I was.

The director and Gibbs returned after a few more minutes, it seemed Gibbs had won the argument because when they came in, the director took out her cell phone and said,
"Can you bring me a visitors badge down to Abby's lab? Thanks." She must have caught the slightest glimpse of my triumphant smile. Because she then said to me,
"I haven't authorised you to use the facilities yet, so you either wait in the bull pen or in an interrogation room, your choice." My head shot around to glare at her, I looked to Gibbs and then back to the director, I wanted to hit her in the face, but I had to show I wasn't a threat. Gibbs must've guessed what was going through my head as he took the smallest step forward ready to stop me. The director was smirking, as though baiting me to do it. But I simply smiled and said,
"The bull pen it is, Gibbs could you take me up?" He nodded and indicated for me to follow him.
"Bye Abby!" I called back to the gothic girl, she waved back. "See you soon, I guess, director." I said to her with a smile and an extended hand. It was my turn to test her. Gibbs was watching us with a hint of a smirk as the director took my hand, pretty firmly, and replied,
"Of course, I'll have your badge sent to the bull pen, it was nice meeting you, Ellie."
"Just call me Blue, I gather all my friends do." I replied. She nodded, and smiled again,
"Duly noted."
Gibbs took me to the bull pen and sat me down at the empty desk between Tony and McGee. They all glanced up as me and Gibbs walked in.
Gibbs called out, "what have we got?"
Tony was the first to jump up and start talking, he had a black remote in his hand and was using it to bring all sorts of information onto a plasma that was sat behind Gibbs' desk.
"The first victim, female, petty officer Georgia Mills, and the second victim, male, petty officer Jared Mills, were newly married. The female was 27 and the male was 29. They lived together, McGee is going through their bank statements, phone records - you know the drill, boss." Gibbs turned to glare at Tony,
"Ya think, Dinozzo?"
"Sorry boss." Dinozzo replied. I smirked at the exchange, but continued then to stare at the married couple who were killed. I couldn't help but feel guilty that they were dead and not me.
"Boss, I've got something big." McGee called out.
"Go McGee."
"Both petty officers had hard wired money to the UK, specifically London. I'm checking Blue's accounts now, it looks like she has sent a larger amount of money to the same London account." All of the NCIS agents turned to look at me.
"I don't remember anything, guys, how the hell should I know?" I asked them. It was getting weird. Gibbs' phone rang, which broke up the awkward silence that had fallen across the bull pen.
"Yeah Abbs, I'll be right down." Said Gibbs. I got up to leave with him but he shook his head, "where do you think you're going? Director said you had to stay here. So stay." I sat down, feeling rather like a dog, Gibbs marched off to Abby's lab.

Gibbs returned after a while. He motioned for me to stand up. He grabbed my good shoulder and pulled me to the elevator without saying a thing, leaving Dinozzo, McGee and Ziva looking shocked.
We got into the elevator and he shut off the power.
"Your fingerprints are on the knives we found at the crime scene. The same knives that slit those petty officers' throats. I've got to take you into custody." Gibbs said. He flipped the switch on and the doors opened to the interrogation rooms. I couldn't bring myself to say anything or even try to get out of it. My shoulder was messed up. There was no way out of this.

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