Part of the Family

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"Keep your eyes closed, I want this to be a surprise." Gibbs ordered as he guided me up the stairs of his house. The further up the stairs we got, the more I could smell new paint. He told me the wait would be worth it. As we rounded the doorframe into the room he removed his hands from my eyes. "OK, now you can open them." He stated. I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was he had changed the colour of the feature wall to a beautiful green, and the other walls were a very light shade of grey, so the light from the window bounced off them giving brightness to the room. The carpet was a slightly darker grey to the walls and there was all new, handmade furniture in place.

"Gibbs, this is wonderful. I love it!" I commented excitedly, turning myself around to give him a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm glad you like it." He replied, "your mother said you would." I smiled and turned back around to take in the room again. The next thing I noticed was the beautiful blue guitar I had found in Ducky's house, it sat in the corner with brand new silver strings and a handwritten note on it. As I headed towards it, Gibbs spoke.

"Ducky thought you might have wanted that, and he said he wasn't going to play it anymore. He had it all done up to look like new."

I picked the note up, on it was Ducky's handwriting. 'Eleanor, I remembered that you admired this guitar and it would mean the world to me to hear you play it. Consider it my gift to you.'

I smiled at Ducky's words of welcome and turned to face Gibbs again. As he opened his mouth to speak, his cell phone rang. Checking the ID, he flipped his ancient cell phone open and answered.

"Yeah. Sure. We'll be right there." Gibbs answered.

"A case?" I asked, heading to pick my bag up.

"Not exactly. You won't be needing that." Gibbs replied with a small smirk. I placed my bag back down feeling slight apprehension.

We got into Gibbs' car and he sped off towards the Navy Yard. After being let in by security, myself and Gibbs headed for the elevator.

We left the elevator and the first thing that happened was Abby. She jumped towards us and pulled both me and Gibbs into a tight hug.

"Oh guys, I'm so excited!!" She squealed.

"For what, Abbs?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll see." Interrupted Gibbs. "Come on."

"Ah, Ellie, you're here." Tony stated, "the Director wants to see you."

"For what?" I asked, striding past the team and heading for the stairs, however they all got up to follow me. "What are you doing?" I stopped and asked.

"Just, just go up. It's a surprise." Ziva stated. Shaking my head, I took the stairs two at a time and knocked on Director Shepard's door.

"Come in." I heard her muffled voice through the doors.

"Director, you wanted to see me?" I asked, stepping into her office.

"Ah, Blue. Yes, come in and let the rest of the team in." She ordered, standing up with a smile. She was holding a piece of paper.

"And that is..?" I asked, nodding my head towards the piece of paper.

"It's official. You're part of Gibbs' family. We arranged it as soon as your mother signed the paperwork. You're now Eleanor Bluinto-Gibbs." Director Sheppard smiled as she handed over the paper. I stared down at it with the biggest smile on my face.

"I don't know what to say." I mumbled, looking around to the team for some advice.

"You need not say anything, Eleanor." Ducky stated, there was a following of nods from the rest of the team. Surprisingly, McGee was the first to step forward and embrace me in a heartfelt hug, followed by Tony and Ziva. Ducky and Palmer were next and even the Director joined in. I turned to Gibbs, who quite shakily took me into his arms.

"Welcome to the family." He mumbled into my ear.

I didn't know what to feel, I'd never felt part of anything bigger than myself before and now I had a home and people to care about. I buried my head deeper into Gibbs' shoulder as I realised tears had begun to flow down my cheeks. Before anyone could notice, the Director's phone began to ring.

"Yes?" She answered into it. "I see, I'll send them straight away."

"What is it?" Asked Gibbs.

"Dead sailor downtown, Gibbs. Take your team, no time to waste." The Director replied.

Gibbs nodded and we followed him to the bull pen.

"Gear up!" He called at us.

"Bet you wish I brought my bag now?" I asked, sarcastically. I felt his hand sweep the back of my head.

"That's child abuse." I stated jokingly.

"You earn a head slap, you get a head slap. Family rules." Gibbs replied with a smirk. "Let's go."

"So much for family discount." I muttered in ear shot of Tony.

"Hey, we're all family here. Welcome to it." Tony stated, pulling me in for a one armed hug as we headed for the elevator.

He was right. Finally, I was part of a family.

The Blue Guitar (NCIS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now