Gunfight at the OK D.C.

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Hey guys, thanks for waiting for the next chapter so patiently!! Here it is, slightly longer than usual but this is quite a big scene so... As always, vote, comment and much love!! :)

"DiNozzo, you and Bluinto in that car. If you get there before us, wait. Me, McGee and Ziva will be in the van. We are going to pick him up for questioning, but be on your guard. He may have a gun." Gibbs ordered, jumping into the driver's seat of the van.

"Sure boss, c'mon probie how about a driving lesson?" DiNozzo asked, throwing the keys at me.

"I passed my test last year." I replied. "Are you sure you're ready for this Tony?"

"It can't be worse than Ziva's driving." Tony replied.

"You underestimate my driving power." I replied with a smirk.

We arrived in less than twenty minutes to the location. DiNozzo shakily got out of the car. 

"Remind me to not let you drive till you get your American licence." He stated with a look of annoyance.

"I did warn you." I replied with a small laugh. "Hey, isn't this - "

" - Where we first found you, yes Bluinto, this is the place." DiNozzo cut me off. "They always say things come full circle." I stayed silent, studying the warehouse. I didn't have a chance to see it from the outside but as I stood outside another flashback hit me.

"Put her in the middle, the boss'll like that." A woman said gruffly. I felt my body be seated in a chair and my hands cuffed behind my back. I tasted blood in my mouth, the warm, sticky metallic liquid was oozing from my nose and mouth. I could feel my jaw throbbing from some sort of impact that I couldn't remember. The blindfold was taken off my eyes and I saw the inside of the warehouse. With a dry throat I tried to speak.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, staring at the three people in front of me with black masks on.

"You better save your strength kid, you're gonna need it." The shorter man in the middle of the trio replied. The door to the warehouse behind the trio opened and a man in a suit and grey mask marched into the frame of my eyesight.

"Bluinto." He stated.

"Who are you?" I asked him forcefully. He laughed and slapped me in the face. The sting had made me eyes water, as I held back a grunt of pain.

"You don't get to ask questions, kid." He laughed. "Put her over there, I want to deal with these two first." The man in the grey mask indicated to the other side of the room first and then to the two people - Mr and Mrs Mills - either side of me. "No need to be gentle, either, I just want her alive." I could feel my heart rate picking up as he said that. The taller man grabbed the back of my chair and tilted me backwards. He then dragged me to where his boss had indicated. He  came around, back into my view and took a swing into my stomach. I cried out in pain and bent over forward in an attempt to ease the pain. He picked my head up and swung again, straight into my left side. I couldn't breathe as he hit me, my eyes streaming and my breathed hitched in my throat as I tried to stop the pain. He laughed at my pain before turning and retreating to his boss' side.

I lifted my head just as the knife plunged into the woman. 

"No!" I called out. "Stop it! Let them go!" 

"Shut her up." The man in the grey mask ordered the shorter man.

"Sure boss."

"Blue? You OK?" DiNozzo asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Wha- Oh yeah, I'm fine, just thinking." I replied, wiping my eyes in an attempt to hide the tears welling up inside them.

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