To Have a Home

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"Gibbs, can I have a word?" I asked him, after rising from my desk. It was around 5 o'clock and we'd been working since 9 am. This team really didn't slow down.
"Sure, Blue, elevator." Gibbs ordered.

We waited in silence for the elevator, and entered before Gibbs shut off the power and stood expectantly. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.
"What happened with my case?" I asked, knowing he would understand.
"We caught the bad guys. You work for me now." Stated Gibbs.
"Yeah, but I thought I worked for MI6 and who were they and why did they do it? What relevance were the Mills' to me? And why are you trying to keep it from me?" I blurted out my questions, frustration bubbling up.
"Blue, I will tell you, when you're ready. All you need to know for now is that you work for NCIS now and you should forget whatever you remember about MI6. The Mills' were your watchers, but I'll explain more soon. I'm trying to protect you, you've been through a lot." Gibbs explained. I felt like he was treating me like a child.
"I'm not a kid, Gibbs." I murmured, moving my gaze down to the floor. I could feel his glare on me, he had heard.
"Blue, look at me." He ordered. And I did. "You're only 18." It was my turn to glare.
"That's an adult in England." I stated, crossing my arms.
"Yeah? Well you're not an adult until you're 21 in America, and that's where you live now. With me. So suck it up." Gibbs retorted. I opened my mouth to argue back, but a swift Gibbs-slap to the head told me my argument was over. Then it dawned on me.
"Wait, what do you mean, with you?" I asked.
"You don't have anyone to look after you and my house is too big for just me, so I took it up with the director and she sorted it all out while you were in hospital. You'll stay with me once Ducky has given you the all clear. I had a bit of redecorating to do, that's why I couldn't come see you." He replied, a smirk tugging at his lips. Realisation dawned on me and before I could stop myself, I was hugging Gibbs as hard as Abby.
"Blue, I need to breathe." Gibbs growled.
"Oops." I stated, releasing Gibbs with a sheepish grin.
"Come on." Stated Gibbs, flicking the elevator switch back on. "Back to work." He finished.

At around 10pm, Ducky joined us in the squadroom, he had donned his usual trench coat and trilby hat. My idea for John Doe hadn't panned out yet, but McGee was still working on it.
"Ready to go m'dear?" Ducky asked me. I looked to Gibbs for confirmation, he nodded and return to his work.
"Sure Ducky, let's go." I replied with a small smile. "Goodnight Gibbs, DiNozzo, McGee, Ziva."
"Night." They all replied in unison.

We got to Ducky's house. He had neglected to tell me that his mother lived with him. Let's just say she was very unusual.
"Donald! Is that you?!" She called out from their living room.
"Yes mother! I have brought a guest too." Ducky replied with a quick roll of the eyes in my direction. "You're going to have to put up with mother for a while, sorry I forgot that you hadn't met her before." He said quietly.
"That's OK Ducky, I'm sure she's - "
"Donald, why have you brought this hooker home?!" His mother asked, taking a horrified glance at me.
" - lovely." I finished my sentence, earning a chuckle from Ducky.
"Mother, this is Eleanor Bluinto, she has to stay with us for a while, it will only be a few days." Ducky explained, but it just seemed to go in one ear and out of the other. His mother glared at me before returning to whichever room she came from.
"I apologise, Blue, the disease just gets worse with age." Ducky apologised.
"Don't worry about it, she'll warm up to me I am sure." I replied with a small smile. I had some time to take in the house, it was quite large and beautifully decorated. I turned left from the doors and headed into the sitting room. It had a baby grand piano in one corner and a large ornate fireplace as its centre piece. I immediately headed to the piano. Sitting behind it, I started to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. I didn't know I knew that piece, in fact I didn't know I could play the piano. But that piece seemed to be etched into my mind. The piano sounded wonderful, and attracted the attention of both Ducky and his mother. I glanced up to see them enter the room and take a seat near the fireplace. I ended the music and stood.
"Sorry Ducky, I should have asked." I stated.
"Nonsense girl, play more." His mother stated with a wave of her hand.
"If you can remember any." Ducky added with a small nod. Chuckling, I took my place behind the piano, I could remember Für Elise and something else. So I played. The other piece of music ended up being Tennessee from the film Pearl Harbor (google it, it's beautiful).

"It was lovely to hear you play, Blue." Ducky complimented.
"Thanks Ducky, I didn't even remember I could play until I sat down and well, played." I replied.
"Well, I think I'll show you your room, if you'd like?" Ducky asked. I agreed, it was late and Mrs Mallard had gone to bed as soon as I have finished playing.
"Follow me then." Ducky said.

We made it up a flight of stairs and took the second door on the right. The room was again, decorated beautifully. The bed was a double four poster bed, made of a dark wood.
"It's beautiful." I stated.
"Thank you, m'dear." Replied Ducky. "Well goodnight Blue. I'll sort that shoulder out in the morning."
"Goodnight Doctor." I replied. I was exhausted but I wanted to explore the room. There was a large wardrobe opposite the bed and another door on the left hand wall. I took to the wardrobe first, finding nothing but Ducky's mothers clothes. So I went to the other door and found myself in another sort of cupboard, but fairly large. I turned a light on and everything seemed to be old clothes or toys until something at the back caught my eye. It had a splash of colour. A blue guitar. I took it out as quietly as possible and sat on my bed. It was a 3/4 size acoustic blue guitar. With bronze and nylon strings. It had an intricate design around the hole in the guitar and the fret board was quite battered. I strummed it quietly but all the string were out of tune. Deciding that was a job for the next day, I changed into some shorts and a tank top, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

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