The Ultimate Betrayal

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I woke up in Gibbs' spare room. Or my room, seeing as Gibbs had painted it for me. The walls were decorated beautifully, with a black underlay and golden patterns over the top. The bed spread was golden with black pillows and the ceiling was white to give light to the room. Exactly how I liked. I don't know how Gibbs knew, but he did. In the far corner of the room sat the blue guitar from Ducky's house. I blinked once more, trying to figure out how it had got there and who had restrung it. I tried to sit up with my one good arm, but pain coursed through my torso as I slumped back down. Grunting in pain, I searched for any way to move or request assistance. Not finding anything, I resigned myself to sleep off my slight headache.

"Hey Ellie, you need to wake up now." Gibbs softly said in my ear. I stirred at the sound of his voice.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked him with a croaky voice.
"You've been out for around a day, Ducky has been to check on you twice - he thought everything was normal and you needed the rest after all the stress you have been through."
"I'm sorry, Gibbs." I replied, trying to relay all I actually wanted to say to him with those three words.
"Hey, Rule #6 - never say you're sorry it's - "
" - a sign of weakness I know. But I still am." I cut him off, earning a glare turned soft smile.
"It's OK." He replied in turn. "Now, come on, Ducky wants you up and about and you need to eat."

Gibbs helped me out of the bed and I slowly and clumsily stood up. It was a painful and difficult experience to get down the stairs, but with the help of Gibbs, I managed it in the end. I got laid down on the sofa and Gibbs brought me some tomato soup and crusty bread to eat.
"Eat it slowly." Gibbs ordered me. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until Gibbs had put the food down in front of me.
"Thanks Gibbs." I mumbled before putting my spoon to my lips and tasting the soup. It was piping hot and delicious, and I wanted nothing more than to drink it as fast as was humanly possible. But Gibbs was sat watching me, whilst reading a case file.

"What are you reading, Gibbs?" I asked him, trying to look in the file.
"Your unsolved case. There's something here that just doesn't sit right with me." He replied.
"Yeah, it doesn't really sit right with me either. Why can't I remember anything?" I asked in frustration.
"I don't know." Gibbs replied. "Eat your soup, how do you feel about a trip into work?"
"I feel fine now." I stated, scooping up as much soup as possible.
"Let me call Ducky, find out if you're allowed." Gibbs explained.
"Hey Duck, yeah she's up and has eaten something. I was wondering - yeah only for a couple of hours, I'm sure she'll want to - sure, thanks Duck." Gibbs ended his call and turned to me. "You got the all clear. Nothing too strenuous though." He finished.
"I don't think I could really do anything too strenuous, Gibbs." I replied with a weak grin.

We arrived at the Navy Yard and Gibbs helped me up into the squad room. I was greeted, yet again by the team - but they seemed more somber than before.
"Why the long faces, guys?" I asked.
"Well, we think we figured out your case, Blue." DiNozzo replied.
"That's good isn't it?" I asked.
"Why did no body tell me?" Gibbs also asked.
"Sorry, Gibbs, we didn't want you worrying while you were looking after Blue. And it is OK Blue - but you might not like what you hear." Ziva explained.
"Well you gotta tell me now." I replied, unsure if I want the truth after so long.

"It was your mother. She put the hit on you. She is also one of the highest ranking members of MI6. When the Mills' helped you here in America, she sent the hit over the Atlantic with you and tortured the information out of the guy who organised your protection, Chris Raggett, he gave his life to try and protect you." McGee explained.

"I love you, Chris. I don't want to go."
"You have to, Blue, I can't lose you. It isn't safe to know what you know anymore." Chris replied, kissing my forehead.
"What are talking about?" I asked. The last thing I saw was Chris' hand and an object fly to my neck. The last thing I felt was the sting of the needle into my neck. And that was the last thing I could remember.

"Blue?" McGee asked.
"Yeah, sorry Tim, carry on. Must be my shoulder." I tried to explain with some plausibility. But Gibbs seemed to know otherwise, though this time he let it slide.
"So Chris Raggett sent you over here with the protection of the Mills' and died to keep you safe, and you can't remember him?" Tony asked with an air of the incredulousness.
"Err, no Tony, I can't." I replied. "Carry on, Tim."
"Right, so we know all this, but there's one problem. We can't bring your mother in - she isn't in our jurisdiction." Tim finished.
"We will see about that." Gibbs stated.
"This is a lot to take in, we know, Ellie - but is there anything you can tell us about your mother?" Ziva asked. And suddenly all eyes were on me.
"My mother was one of the kindest and most loyal people I have ever known. She never showed me any signs of betrayal or contempt. I can't understand why she would do this. I thought she loved me. But it seems I am truly alone in this world." I finished with tears in my eyes. They stung with pain - I couldn't let them fall, not in front of the team. So I took off for the one place I knew I could. To Ducky. I ignored the calls of my teammates and the quiet, "let her go." Of Gibbs. I needed space and time and a familiar hug.

The Blue Guitar (NCIS fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora