Is this heaven?

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I climbed down the side of Gibbs' house, guilt welled up in my chest. I tried to shake it off, telling myself I had to do this. But betraying Gibbs and the team after all they had done for me, it stabbed worse than any knife. I headed for the street, glancing back at the house, Gibbs was still in the basement, he wouldn't notice until it was too late, if they could find me at the shooting range, I was guessing they could find me just wandering the streets.

I made my way towards the centre of Washington DC, I felt like I had been walking for ages already. I'd been through the park and headed down past the diner. Maybe they weren't looking for me any more. I turned a corner on to a deserted street. There were only two cars parked up, they both looked familiar. One was a navy blue Chevy and the other - it was the silver van - they were here to get me.

It all happened in a flash, a gun shot rang out and intense pain flared in my right shoulder. I dropped to one knee, trying to see through the tears in my eyes. I groped around my backpack until I found my knife, figures were getting out of the van. I stached the knife down my shoe. I reached up to my shoulder and drew my hand back covered in red liquid.

I was feeling light headed as two figures ran towards me, hoisted me up and dragged me towards the blue Chevy - wait what? I thought they came from the silver van - I couldn't gage what was happening. I thought those people came from the van. The figures threw me into the back of the Chevy and only one got into the car to drive. What happened to the other? I struggled to keep my eyes open, as the car sped along, where were we going? I couldn't speak, only groans of pains escaped my lips. I heard a woman talking, she must have been on a phone, I could only hear her muffled words, I could feel my body willing me to lose consciousness, but I knew I needed to fight it, I'd lost a lot of blood already.

I heard a muffled voice, and saw a blurred person open the door, she was talking to me.
"Stay with me, Blue." The woman said, I recognised her voice, but couldn't place it. She dragged me out of the car as other figures rushed towards me, it looked like a hospital, it didn't make any sense. I finally succumbed to sleep, as a group of people lifted me onto a stretcher, one man seemed to be taking the lead as he shouted orders out.

"Ellie, love, please wake up." My mother said to me, she stood above me , I was in a bed.
"Mum, I'm still so tired." I mumbled back.
"I know, I know my baby, but if you don't get up now, you'll never go back." She stated, gazing at me with longing. She smiled as I sat up.
"I want to stay here, with you, where are we?" I replied looking around, nothing was there and then Gibbs' house materialised around me. "Why are we here?" I asked.
"Because this is where you really want to be. This is where you belong now." She said, an air of sadness, around her.
"Where are you, mum?" I asked, "in reality." I added.
"You already know, stop blocking it, remember." She stated and then she was gone.
"Mum?" I called out, but I could feel myself being dragged away from where she last was. I allowed myself to be pulled away. My mother was right.

The Blue Guitar (NCIS fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ