Better to ask Forgiveness

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I paused before Ducky and I entered the NCIS building. I lingered at the front door trying to collect my thoughts.
"It's no good stalling, m'dear. Gibbs is expecting us." He stated, seeing my reluctance. I nodded and braced myself. My wound was mostly healed, Ducky would have to change the dressings every day, but the doctors had given me some strong painkillers which I refused to take. The pain was a reminder of how lucky I really was. I knew Ducky could sense my apprehension in the elevator as he put a gentle hand in the small of my back, as though to say 'I've got you.'

The elevator dinged open to the orange squadroom. I entered behind Ducky but determinedly keeping my head held high, Ducky was right, there was no point hiding from Gibbs.
"Blue!" McGee called, noticing me first as he got up from his desk and marched over, pulling me into a gentle hug. "How're you feeling? Should you be up and out?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.
"No, she shouldn't, but under my supervision she is free from the hospital." Ducky answered for me with a stern look which broke into a chuckle at McGee's shocked expression. All the while Tony had been attempting to sneak up behind me. I quickly turned and grabbed his hand in a death lock that Ziva had taught me.
"Ahhh!" He shouted, having been caught unawares. "Blue, let go!" I did and he held his hand in mock hurt. "It's good to see your reactions haven't faulted, I'm guessing Ziva has been giving you private lessons." He stated, flashing an annoyed look over to Ziva - who was quietly chuckling.
"Hey Tony. You miss me?" I asked giving him a small punch to the arm with my good arm.
"Always, Blue." He stated pulling me into a stronger, more heavily cologned hug than McGee's, but filled with affection. Which - hopefully - I reciprocated. Ziva was the next to get up and give me a short hug, she didn't need to ask how I was as she had been visiting me in the hospital every day.
"Where's Gibbs?" Asked Ducky. And as if by magic, as though he was summoned, Gibbs appeared out of the elevator carrying six cups of coffee, which I found an impressive feat. He didn't say anything to me, in fact, he didn't look at me. He handed McGee, DiNozzo, Ziva and Ducky a coffee before setting the other two on his desk and picking one up for himself.
"Vanilla latte, right Blue?" He asked indicating the other coffee. I nodded and headed for it.
"Ah Blue, no caffeine." Ducky stated. I whipped around to face him, my face the look of terror.
"What?" I asked, horrified.
"No caffeine, it thins the blood and impedes recovery." He stated, strolling past me and putting the coffee in the bin. I stared after it in longing.
"Blue, come on. You three better have something for me when I get back. Ducky, Palmer needs you, he's sweating buckets down there by himself, I'll send Blue down when we've done." Gibbs stated and marched off to the elevator. I gulped and followed him, not bothering to glance back at the team's collective look of dread.

We stepped into the elevator in silence. The doors closed and Gibbs shut off the power.
"Gibbs, I - " I started, but was cut off by a sharp slap to the back of the head and a very annoyed looking Gibbs.
"What were you thinking?" He asked, his voice a mix of annoyance and upset.
"I don't know, I guess I wasn't." I replied, keeping my eyes on the ground. I felt like I was being scolded like I was twelve all over again.
"Blue, you could have died." He stated. I glanced up to look him in the eyes. His piercing blue eyes burned through me with anger and betrayal.
"I just thought - " I started again, but was again cut off with a slap to the back of the head.
"No, you listen." Gibbs stated, pointing a finger in my face. "On my team, you follow my orders. I work on trust, and right now, you have none." I nodded, understanding this was to teach me, to make me a better agent.
"I will earn your trust. I made a mistake, so punish me and get it over with so we can move on and do the most important thing. Because as far as I'm aware, I'm just following rule #18" I stated, squaring up to Gibbs and looking him in the eye. He nodded, a smirk playing at his lips, he approved.
"OK." He said. "Probie." I smiled, even if he didn't trust me, he forgave me. Gibbs switched the elevator back on and we arrived in autopsy.
"Stay with Ducky until I come get you. This is your first test, seeing as you've never been able to stay before." Gibbs stated before stepping back into the elevator and disappearing back up to the squad room.

I entered autopsy and smiled.
"Hey Palmer!" I called out, Ducky looked up and understanding flooded his face - he knew I'd be alright.
"Blue, how're you, uh, how are you?" Asked Palmer, he didn't look very well, he was pale and sweaty. Did he get so nervous just from being alone for one case?
"I think I look and feel better than you right now, Palmer, what's wrong?" I asked with a smirk.
"Uh, well, I'm just not - not very confident with doing my first solo autopsy." He stated, a small grimace tugged his lips before he turned around with shaking hands to continue.
"Oh Palmer, calm down, the guy's dead, it's not like you can hurt him." I replied, earning a disapproving look from Ducky.
"Show him some respect, Blue." Ducky stated and I nodded.
"Sorry Ducky, I was just trying to make Jimmy feel less nervous." I replied. Ducky nodded and continued to observe Palmer. Deciding I didn't feel like watching Palmer cut out the poor John Doe's heart to weigh, I sat at Ducky's computer and started playing the pacman that Tony had installed to the servers.

"Blue, let's go." Gibbs said in my ear as I just reached level 10. I was so engrossed that I never heard him come in.
"Sure." I stated shutting off the game and following Gibbs.
"Bye Ducky, Palmer!" I called back, but they were still doing the autopsy and hadn't paid attention to me.
"Where are we going?" I asked Gibbs as we entered the elevator. He hit the button to the squad room. Telling me my answer without uttering a word. We entered the bullpen and Gibbs directed me to the desk between Tony and Tim. He placed a small stack of papers on my desk.
"You're going to have to fill those in. Listen while you work, observe, learn." He stated. The team all stood to tell Gibbs the details they had found, they couldn't place the John Doe, even dental records didn't work, nor did facial recognition find him. The team were at a dead end. Gibbs wasn't happy with the lack of progress and he headed out for a coffee.
"I want something when I get back." He ordered, before leaving.

"OK team, campfire." Tony called out. McGee and Ziva shuffled on their chairs to the middle of the room where Tony sat. They all turned to look at me.
"I said 'team' Blue, come on." Tony stated. I shuffled over to them.
"How can we not find this John Doe. That is the main question." Tony stated, frustratedly.
"Well he had his identity wiped off everything I can think to look at." Tim stated, glancing down in disappointment.
"Nobody recognises his face from around where we found them." Ziva said.
"We know that already, think of something different." Tony said. The three of them sat occasionally calling out ideas that came to nothing.
"Blue, you haven't said anything." Tony noted. I looked up from thought.
"Well, I was thinking that if they don't recognise him, what if he had a new face, we should ask around plastic surgeons to see if they recognise his new face and can give us what he used to look like, then maybe he'll be in the system." I thought out loud. My idea was met with silence. I looked up to the team staring at me like I'd grown another head.
"Why didn't we think of that?" Tim asked the other two.
"Because Blue had a fresh look at it. Hop to it then." Gibbs said, marching in from the elevator. The three of them scrambled back to their desks and Gibbs caught the back of my chair, pushing me to mine.
"Thanks." I stated.
"Good job." Gibbs whispered in my ear. I smiled and continued with my paperwork. I could get used to this job.

Wow, feel like I'm on a writing rampage! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Blue's kidnappers, we'll get there, and the guitar will be making an appearance soon :) also, I feel like Blue should maybe pick up a love interest - but from who??? If anyone wants a feature or has some ideas, don't be afraid to let me know!!  Thanks for all the support so far, peace out <3

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