Gun Slinger

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*one week and three days later*

"Now can how does moving it feel, Blue?" Ducky asked me.
"Honestly great Dr. It's like it never happened." I replied swinging my previously bad arm around to prove my point.
"You're a very quick healer, Blue, but I still suggest you go steady with that arm." He replied, patting me on the back as I got off the table.
"Thanks Ducky, for everything." I replied, pulling him into a proper hug. He was slightly lost for words, so just smiled at me as I turned to head towards the elevator.

I was daydreaming until the now familiar 'ding' of the elevator brought me back to the moment. I stepped out into Abby's lab. Gibbs had me down there due to my fairly Unknown background, he thought I could help Abby with the vast amount of cases she had to do.

Director Shepard had called me up to her office once my arm had been freed from the sling. About a week before I met the Dr. for my last check up.

"So Blue." The director started, observing my every move.
"Director." I replied, opting to keep formal.
"I see your arm is healing unusually quickly, that's good, and that your case has - for the time being - halted to a stop. Now, Gibbs has asked me to let you help out here at NCIS, his argument being that you have to be in the building anyway, you may as well pull your load. So, you'll be starting, from today, as a probationary officer with agent Gibbs' team. Each of his team members will aid you with a certain aspect of your tests. Ziva will help you with the physical aspects, McGee will help with the technology aspects and Tony, well he will help with whatever is left." She said.
"What about Gibbs?" I asked her.
"What about him?" She replied looking slightly confused.
"Is he going to help me or - ?"
"He is your boss. He'll teach you, you just won't realise it until it is done." She said, a small grin tugged at her lips. I pretended not to notice.
"Thank you, director." I said. She nodded and handed over a gun and my badge.
"Blue." She called as my hand lingered on the door handle. I turned to face her. "Don't make me regret it." She finished.

"Hey Abby!" I called over the death metal screaming out of her music player.
"Wha- Oh, hey Blue! Gibbs still not letting you out?" She asked, a look of sympathy on her face. Gibbs wouldn't let me out of the NCIS building until they caught the guys that kidnapped me.
"No, and I'm getting more and more agitated, especially since my arm is all clear and the director said that I should be getting training."
"Hang in there, Gibbs knows what he's doing." She replied.
"Sure do, Abbs. What have you got for me?" Gibbs asked, sweeping into the lab. He glanced at me, before turning his attention to Abby.
"There is a price for my knowledge, my dear Gibbs." She replied, smirking. Gibbs placed a Caf-Pow! on Abby's desk.
"What have you got?" He repeated. Abby smiled. I zoned out as she told him the case changing details of the case. Abby really was the one to catch the criminals, the team just did the 'heavy lifting'. I took the opportunity of heading down to autopsy, knowing Gibbs will have been there first, and that he was to engrossed in Abby's findings to notice. Or so I thought.
"Hey, where are you going?" He said, rounding on me.
"I, um, I just... I fancied a chat with Ducky." I replied, no point lying to Gibbs, he always knows.
"No, you're not going to autopsy." He stated.
"But Gibbs - "
"No, you're going with Ziva. Now." He interrupted. I stood in shock, he was letting me out. Without him. No more babysitting.
"Thanks Gibbs." I called already running for the stairs, there was no time to wait for the elevator. I took the stairs three at a time and made the squad room in no time at all.

"Ah, Blue, I was just coming to look for you. Gibbs told me to take you to the shooting range, he will be joining us shortly." Ziva said to me as I jogged into the bull pen.
"Wait. It's not just us two?" I asked, deflating slightly.
"No, the whole team will be there, but Gibbs has allowed me to take you there first for around 20 minutes." She replied. Huh, 20 minutes of freedom. Better than none. I nodded and indicated to the elevator, showing her I wanted to go now. We took the elevator in silence and got into one of many NCIS cars. The shooting range was only a short drive. Myself and Ziva geared up and took our positions.
"Do you need any directions?" Ziva asked.
"I think I know what to do, you know, instinct." I replied. She shrugged and nodded. The buzzer sounded and we were free to shoot. I took my stance, took aim and fired a couple of rounds. Then finished the mag off. A second buzzer sounded and our targets came up close. Ziva had put three bullets in the head of her target and other three hitting the heart. She looked shocked as I had hit my target so precisely, it appeared there was only one, very large bullet hole on the heart.
"That is very impressive." Ziva stated.
"Too impressive." I jibed.
"Wow Blue!" McGee called out from behind. He and Gibbs were stood behind the protective glass. McGee had a look of amazement whereas Gibbs had a look of mere curiosity. He said nothing.
"Well, it is clear I have nothing to teach you Blue. I shall notify the director and you can move on in your training" Ziva said with a smile.
"Thanks." I replied, still studying Gibbs' expression.

We made to leave the shooting range. A silver van had parked up, I noticed it out of the corner of my eye and glanced to the number plate out of habit. Something seemed familiar about that van.

"Get her in! She knows too much! Knock the bitch out if you have to!" A woman's voice shouted out.
"Stop struggling - stupid girl - I don't want to hit you! Stop it!" A guy muttered in my ear. He was dragging me to a silver van, I couldn't see the number plate. He threw me in, I made to move but my hands were being tied behind my back, then - darkness.

"Blue?" McGee asked, "you OK?" Before I could answer, I heard gun shots ring out and knew where they were coming from. With all my strength, I pushed McGee down, taking his gun as I did. And turned on kneeling one knee to the sound of guns. I heard a bullet whistle past my head - that was close. I took aim at the man in the mask, the one who shot at me and pulled the trigger. I hit him exactly where I'd aimed to. His right shoulder. The pain would be terrible, but he wouldn't die, I'd only stop him from shooting at me. He was the only one to get out of the van. After my shot I heard the screeching of tires and the silver van took off speeding down the road. The man I shot still lying on the ground and soft moans emitted from him. I felt all eyes on me as I turned to face the team.
"Blue, give McGee his gun back." Gibbs ordered, his face a mix of anger and admiration.
"Sorry McGee, did I hurt you?" I asked him, handing the gun back and stepping away.
"No, thanks Blue, you probably saved my life." He replied, smiling. I turned to look at the man on the ground, Ziva had run over to him to cuff him.
"He'll live." She called. I felt a small pang of disappointment. He did try and kill me AFTER he had already kidnapped me. He kind of deserved it.
"Come on, let's get back. Ducky can look after our guest and then he has some questions to answer." Gibbs ordered.

Back at NCIS, Gibbs sent McGee, Ziva and the man up in the elevator, he said it would be too crowded with us all in. I knew he wanted a private word so I put up no protestation. I waited silently for the elevator, this was the calm before the storm. I knew it. With a 'ping' it arrived and we stepped inside. I braced myself. The doers closed and the elevator started moving. As predicted, Gibbs shut the power off.
"Are you OK?" He asked, a voice of pure concern.
"Wha- yeah, I guess I am. Just shot a bad guy."
"That was a stupid thing to do, what you did for McGee, you could have gotten yourself killed." He stated.
"I know, but - "
"Thank you." He cut in. I was shocked. This was Gibbs, I mean Leroy Jethro Gibbs just thanked me for doing something stupid.
"Anytime." I replied with a small grin.
"If you ever do that again, Blue, you'll never leave this building again. Got it?" He stated. This was more like the Gibbs I knew and loved.
"Yes sir." I stated.
"Don't call me sir."
"Yes ma'am."
I felt the swift slap of his hand over my head, and looked towards him. He was smirking. I guessed we had made up. He switched the elevator on and we arrived into the squad room, both grinning.

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