I like Fighting

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Wow! 10th chapter! Big deal for me - never got this far in a book!! I'd like to take some time to thank everyone who has read this book so far - I hope I'm doing a good job. Also a huge thanks to those who have voted and commented - although I'd love some more input, please don't be afraid to say something!!!! Peace out <3

I stood behind the two way mirror, staring into the eyes of my attacker. My perfectly positioned bullet skimmed through the top skin of his shoulder, causing little damage and a lot of pain. Ducky had patched him up quickly. He hadn't said a word since entering the building except uttering a quiet, "thank you." to Ducky. Allowing me to hear what appeared to be a Boston accent. I felt like he could sense a presence behind the glass as his eyes wandered before settling on me. He was leaning on the back wall of the room, as if he had no care in the world. Taken aback, I took a step away from the mirror.
"Blue." Came the ever comforting voice of Ducky from behind me. "Come away, m'girl, I feel this is something you don't need to see right now." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I need to see him confess. I need some sort of proof. I need to remember." I replied, standing firm. Ducky must have been able to sense my determination, because I heard the door close a few seconds later, and the murmur of his and Gibbs' voices outside the door.

 Ducky must have been able to sense my determination, because I heard the door close a few seconds later, and the murmur of his and Gibbs' voices outside the door

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Returning my attention to the man in the room, he was studying the floor, as though it could tell him something. The door to interrogation opened. Gibbs marched in and say behind the desk.
"Sit." Gibbs said calmly. The man didn't move, he was just studying Gibbs.
"Now." Gibbs growled. The man sauntered to his seat and smirked at Gibbs.
"I want a lawyer." He stated. His accent definitely a Boston one.
"You're gonna need one." Gibbs retorted, slapping down marine pictures of the Mills' in front of the man.

McGee joined me in observation.
"His name is Paul Smalling. Multiple offences and - get this - him and his girlfriend, Jessica, both got time for abduction two years ago." Tim said talking quickly.
"McGee, why are you telling me this? I think someone else needs to know." I stated, nodding my head towards Gibbs. A look of realisation hit McGee and he hurried out to tell his boss.

Turning back to the mirror to watch. Gibbs was angrily standing over Paul Smalling.
"I want an answer." Gibbs stated.
"Yeah, and I want a lawyer." Smalling replied, Gibbs' eyes narrowed. There was a knock on the door, and Gibbs marched through it, evidently talking to McGee.

Though Gibbs tried, Smalling wouldn't talk. I left Gibbs in interrogation and headed up to the bull pen to see what the team had found out.

"Hey Dinozzo, what have you got?" I demanded as I marched into the bull pen. Ziva and Tony shared a look before speaking.
"Smalling was a chef in his local restaurant, he called in sick today, obviously to get to the firing range on time." He said, I gave him an 'is that it?' look. "Ziva?" Tony asked.
"Smalling and his girlfriend Jessica live over in Tysons. They have no connections to the Mills' that we have yet found. I have tried to contact the girlfriend but she is not answering." Ziva told me.
"Any connections to me?" I asked, already somehow knowing the answer.
"No." Replied Ziva.
"Do you think they were paid to do this? Someone could be using them as a distraction?" I thought aloud.
"Good Blue, now you're thinking like an agent." The director said from behind me. I turned to face her, she beckoned for me to follow her. I obliged, sending a look of mock fear to Tony and Ziva. To which they both replied with a smirk.

The director and I stood in the elevator, waiting for it to set off. She was observing me, I could tell. The director shut the power off as soon as the doors closed.
"How're you feeling, Blue?" She asked. I was surprised, I never thought the director cared for me.
"I think I'm doing better, my shoulder is now OK, but I don't sleep well and sometimes I fear I keep Gibbs awake."
"I see spending time with him brings out your own 'boss' side." She remarked with a smirk, "but don't worry - I'm sure you won't keep him up, he was a marine after all."
"I know, I am just so frustrated, director." I replied, looking to the ground - I hated held eye contact.
"Call me Jenny, when we are informal, I gather all my friends do." She said with a smile. I grinned at her - a reference to one of our first encounters with each other. She flipped the switch and we were moving back to the bull pen.
"I want you to go down to the gym with Ziva, do some sparring. You need to work out some frustration." She stated. Happiness filled me, I was about to do something fun, I thought Gibbs wouldn't let me out again after today.
"But Gibbs - " I started.
"Let me deal with him. Go, before I change my mind." She said as the elevator opened to the bright orange. I nearly ran out of the elevator, Ziva looked up and smiled - obviously the director had told her.
"Let's go." She said.

Ziva and I headed down to the gym, we changed into some gym clothes and did a few laps to warm up before going into anything.

It felt great to be running and exercising, like I had been locked in a cage and then let free. For nearly two weeks, the only thing Gibbs would let me do was come to the NCIS building and back to his house. He barely let me out of his sight.

Me and Ziva started sparring, seriously at first, I got a few hits in first and she responded in kind. We were evenly matched. I blocked most of her attacks and she mine. After a while, with us both getting fatigued, it turned into fun. I enjoyed myself, I felt a strong connection with Ziva - we were both alike.

"Time to go home, Blue." I heard Gibbs call to me.
"Your home?" I responded, slightly put out by his phrasing.
"Yeah. Come on, we'll have an early start tomorrow." He replied.

And an early start we did have.

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