Interrogation with Gibbs

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Shoutout to ChelseaxxCooksonxx who took some extra time to vote on this story!! Sending much love your way :)

With my shoulder throbbing, Gibbs led me to interrogation room 1. He sat me down on a steel chair, took one last glance at me and left the room.

I couldn't have killed those people. I didn't know how I knew it, but I did. Call it a gut instinct. But Gibbs would never be able to believe me with just my gut to argue my case. The problem was, I just couldn't remember anything from before I was kidnapped. I had small flashes, just the odd blurry face or sounds of dim music. It felt like a huge jigsaw puzzle, but I didn't have all the pieces to put it together.

After around five minutes, Gibbs came back into the room. He sat in the chair across the table from me. He said nothing, just stared, waiting for me to break. I looked behind him at the mirrored window, the rest of the team - maybe even the director - would be there. I could tell Gibbs was just observing me, trying to tell if I was innocent or not.
"Gibbs, I'm scared." I said, to finally break the silence. His expression changed from a hardened, no nonsense expression to a sympathetic look.
"I know, I would be too." He replied, as though that may comfort me. "But I need you to help me help you." I nodded, my mouth had gone dry and Gibbs' face was no longer there. Voices echoed through my mind, some I could make out what they were saying, others were to blurred.
"Get the girl!"
"Knock her out if you have to."

"Blue?" Gibbs asked.
"What, what happened, they took me." I said, I had no control over the words that came from my own mouth.
"Who Blue? Who took you?" Gibbs continued.
"I... I don't know, there was a man's voice and... And a woman, she was giving the orders, the man was doing the dirty work... I think..." I tailed off.
"Good Blue, that's good that you can remember that. Anything else, can you think of anything that could help us more?" Demanded Gibbs.
I scrunched my eyes up, trying to remember any little detail, but there was nothing else. There was no smell, no sound and no sight. Frustration took over as I slammed my fists onto the table separating myself and Gibbs. He didn't even flinch.
"I can't... I just can't remember. I'm sorry, Gibbs." I replied.
"Never apologise, it's a sign of weakness. That's Rule 6." Gibbs stated. Though I'd never heard of any rules that I had to follow, and even if I had - I probably wouldn't remember.

Gibbs turned to looked at the mirrored window. Then he turned back to me, he patted me on my good shoulder and exited the room. I sat staring at the mirror, I barely recognised myself. My face was bruised to a pulp and my shoulder done in, I had a jacket with a ripped sleeve on. I needed some clean clothes, a shower and a bed. I just realised how exhausted I was. I hadn't eaten, drank or slept for quite a while.

Gibbs returned again into the room. He gestured for me to follow him. Outside the room, the director was waiting for me.
"You'll be under the custody of special agent Gibbs. If you attempt to run away, we will catch you and you'll be kept at NCIS headquarters until either the case is solved or you're found innocent. But for now, Gibbs has persuaded me to trust you and let you go stay at his house, for a little more home comfort. Is that OK for you?" She stated.
"Yes Ma'am, I won't run. I promise." I replied.
"Come on then, you must be tired, hungry and ready for a shower?" Asked Gibbs. I just nodded, my legs felt a little weak and my head a little light.

We made it to Gibbs' car, as soon as I was sat comfortably, I fell straight to sleep. He woke me outside a nice family home. This is where Gibbs lived. Gibbs supported me into the house and took me straight to what looked like a guest room. He laid me on top of the bed, but I was out like a light. I fell straight into blackness.

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