Running on Empty

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"So what did Ducky find to eliminate me as a suspect?" I asked Gibbs.
"Ask him yourself." Gibbs stated nodding his head towards the elevators, where Ducky was heading for us.
"Blue, what are you doing on the floor?" Ducky asked me, while frowning at Gibbs.
"Gibbs cuffed me to his table so I wouldn't wander off again." I replied with a slight grin.
"Ah, I see." He replied, chuckling a little.
"How did you know that I didn't kill the other two hostages Ducky?" I asked him eagerly.
"Well, there was part of the blade that was used to stab the unfortunate couple downstairs still lodged in Mrs Mills' abdomen, but the blade we found with their blood on and your fingerprints was in fact unbroken. You had been framed, my dear. Also, I would like to point out that Mr Palmer should get the majority of the credit for it was he who put two and two together to show you did not murder those people. I must say that having Mr Palmer as my assistant really comes in handy sometimes. It takes a load off my plate." Ducky replied. And at the last sentence he spoke, my head flashed back to a scene of darkness.

I was in a van, they had blindfolded me, to my right I heard someone cough.
"Boy, having three of us really takes a load off." One man with a very gruff voice said.
"Sure does. We're here." Another man replied. The next thing I knew, I'd been hit with the butt of what seemed to be a gun on the head, I'd been knocked unconscious.

"Blue? Are you alright?" Ducky asked me.
"I just, I think I just remembered something." I replied, which caught the attention of Gibbs. He looked down at me from his desk, frowning at my delay. I told him about the flash back I just had, both Gibbs and Ducky listened intently to me.
"So there were three of them?" Gibbs asked me.
"Yes, two of them were men, I don't know about the driver. If they ever spoke in front of me, I would probably be able to recognise their voices."
"Good, that's a good job, Blue." Gibbs replied.
"What triggered the flashback, Blue?" Ducky asked, frowning in thought.
"You, actually, Dr. When you said that having Palmer was a load off." I replied, mirroring Ducky's thoughtful look.
"It appears you just need a trigger to set off your flash backs. This is relatively good news." Ducky said. "Jethro, can we have a word?"
"Sure Duck." Gibbs replied, rising from his desk and heading towards the elevator. I was still unable to move as my hands were still tied behind my back.

"So Blue, what kind of music do you like?" McGee asked me, evidently trying to pry my mind away from whatever Ducky and Gibbs had gone to talk about.
"Err, well I like all sorts of music, no specific genres. Oh, I also really love film scores, which most people think is a little weird - but Hans Zimmer has to be one of my all time favourites." I replied, remembering how much I loved the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' soundtrack.
"That's cool, Blue!" Replied McGee.
"You'd think so, McGeek." Cut in Tony, smirking at his smart ass reply. I looked at Tony with a hint of irritation. "Sorry Blue, that wasn't meant to apply to you too, in fact - "
" - Keep digging Tony." Butt in Ziva with a grin and a wink to me. I chuckled at the three of them. They all seemed great people. I could read them all quite easily, Ziva was a little more difficult. But Gibbs was nearly impossible. It was clear I was not the only one repressing their memories.

Gibbs returned from his word with Ducky.
"Come on, let's go." He said to he group of us, uncuffing me from the desk.
"Where, Gibbs?" I asked him.
"Not you, you're going to Abby's lab. Dinozzo gear up, we're going to see David Ricktan, owner of the Ricktan Coorperation. Ziva, go talk to the Mills' family. McGee go with Blue, she doesn't leave the lab." Gibbs ordered. There was a flurry of movement from the agents and McGee was stood beside me.
"Gibbs!" I called to him, "I'm hungry!"
"McGee, you know what to do." Gibbs called back. Then they were all gone. McGee and I rode the elevator to Abby's lab in silence. The doors opened to Abby's usual music. McGee dropped me off into the lab.
"Abby! Turn it down please!" McGee called.
"Oh, hey McGee! And Blue, how're you feeling?" Abby replied.
"Hey Abbs, I'm feeling pretty OK at the minute, just hungry and tired." I told her, moseying around her lab. She had a lot of high tech gear.
"Have they not even fed you yet? McGee!! How could you?" Abby stormed towards McGee.
"Abby, I was just about to go get some food for Blue. What would you like?" He stated then directed his question to me.
I smiled, "can you get me a pizza? Like, the biggest cheesiest pizza you can find? And a Coca Cola? I feel like there's too much blood in my caffeine stream." I asked with a grin.
"Sure, be right back, Blue - don't go anywhere." McGee replied. McGee disappeared out of the lab and I turned to face Abby.
"You want caffeine?" She asked, her eyes lighting up with joy.
"Abby, I need caffeine to function as a fairly normal human being." I replied.
"Well then, you're gonna love this." Abby said, lifting a huge bottle, coloured red and white with big yellow writing on it exclaiming 'Caf-Pow'.
"What. Is. That?" I asked sniffing through the straw. "It smells like heaven."
"Try it." Abby stated. I took a tentative sip, the taste of berries and caffeine hit my lips. It was delicious.
"Wow, that's good! Where can I get one?" I asked Abby.
"Well, you're not supposed to leave the lab, and McGee has gone for food, I guess if you promise to stay here I can run and get you one?"
"I have no where to go, Abby." I replied.
"Good, I need a refill." She said before scurrying off for Caf-Pow! I waited until the elevator doors pinged shut and turned to Abby's computer. Just in case there was anything that would help me remember what happened or who I was. I knew it was sneaking around behind the team's back, but I had to do it. I had to know.

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