Across the Ocean - Harry

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I spun around and around in my chair at my desk waiting for Harry to pick up his skype. Tomorrow was my birthday and I was checking to see if he could make it.

"Heya babe!" He said excitedly as he answered.

"Hey Haz" I smiled at him.

We've been dating for almost six months since we met at a meet up.

"How's my baby girl?" He asked.

"I'm doing alright, you?"

"I've been better, my management has me at an event ten hours away from you on your special day. I really don't want to miss it." He said.

My smile faltered a bit.

"That's okay Harry, I really appreciate your efforts to come, at least we have Christmas when I'm coming up for a month." I said trying to look on the bright side.

"You're right, well just remember that I'm trying really hard to get there. I'll message you and let you know where I'm at throughout the day." He said. He looked disappointed in himself.

"Don't be sad Harry, I still love you regardless." I said blowing a kiss.

He pretended to catch it and bring it to his lips.

"I love you too babe, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." He said smiling one last time.

"Goodnight." I replied.

My night was restless, I only slept for about three hours when my doorbell rang at round seven thirty in the morning.

I walked grudgingly to the door wearing my oversized sidemen hoodie and a pair of sweat pants.

I opened the door to see Freezy and Simon, Freezy holding a balloon that said "Happy birthday!" And Simon holding flowers.

"You guys are the sweetest." I pulled them inside and hugged them.

Simon and Cal were hands down two of my favorite people. They always know how to make me laugh when I'm not feeling well.

"Well I figured I couldn't show up empty handed, northern hospitality and all." Simon said laughing a bit.

"Si I'm from the Midwest. We don't have hospitality there." I laughed at his confused expression, and Cal was laughing as well.

"I knew that. Obviously." He pretended to play it off cool but failed miserably.

"So what does the lady want to do until her party?" Cal asked me.

"Well, I have a guest room, and I would like some more sleep." I said heading for the stairs.

"Fair enough, we'll try and get some sleep as well." He replied following me upstairs.

I went into my room and texted Harry before I went back to sleep.

To, Harry: Si and Cal just got here, we're gonna rest a bit then head out for some activities. I'll let you know what goes on.

I sent that with a few heart emojis and fell asleep.

I naturally woke at quarter to ten (9:45) to the smell of pancakes.

I got out of bed for a second time and headed downstairs to see Simon and Cal had made breakfast.

"I didn't know you could cook." I said startling them.

"My mum taught me how to make pancakes, that's about the extent of my cooking knowledge." Simon handed me a plate of hot pancakes with blueberry syrup.

"Well thank you anyways." I sat down and we all conversed as we ate.

After breakfast, we got dressed and decided to hit up the mall.

Of course, we had to get coffee so we stopped at my hometown coffee shop.

We then went and looked around more shops and ended up buying a few things for ourselves.

The guys said they wanted to check out the game shop so I told them I'd go off somewhere and text them when I was ready.

I made my way to Sephora, aka my second home, and got a few new things to try out.


"Party time" I told myself.

It was ten o'clock at night and we were going to be at a little place filled with my friends and family members.

I got into the venue and everyone was cheering and yelling "Happy Birthday"

I made my way around the room, not spotting Harry anywhere. I received a text in the midst of all of this and I pulled out my phone to see a text from Harry.

From, Harry: I won't be there in time for your birthday I'm afraid. Although I'll be there at about two am, so regardless I'm going to see you soon.

I replied back.

To, Harry: that's okay. I can't wait to see you babe.

I decided that I had done enough waiting and that I should enjoy the rest of my birthday.

I danced with friends, family members and even some strangers that I wasn't sure I invited, but I didn't care.

The time was nearing midnight, 11:58pm to be exact and I was counting down the seconds until the next day.

I felt a pair of arms thrown around me and pick me up off of my feet.

I looked down to see Harry hugging me and I quickly responded hugging him back.

"You made it!" I exclaimed.

"Just in time too." He showed me the time on his phone 11:59.

"Thank you Harry. I love you." He kissed me into the next day and I danced and hung out with him until the party was over.

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