Used - Simon Imagine

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Title: Used
Pairing: Simon x Reader
Requested(?) yes thank you!
Warnings: insinuation of smut I guess?


Spending a year of your life with someone was a beautiful thing. Having someone to share your everything with and being accompanied in life by someone you love was a true blessing. I had been with my boyfriend for a year now and I was currently getting ready for our anniversary dinner.

Since I had been helping a few of my friends film some videos I was staying at their house. There was a knock on my door as I was doing my makeup and I called out letting them know the door was open.

"Y/n?" Simon asked peeking his head into the door.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked applying my mascara and taking one last look at my work. Turning my head to see him sitting on my bed.

"I need to tell you something about your boyfriend." I nodded, telling him to continue.

"Well you see he's... I don't know how to put this."

"He's great isn't he? I really love him Simon. In fact, I was planning on fully giving myself to him tonight." I confessed. Simon was one of my very best friends so I didn't feel awkward telling him this at all.

"That's the thing. I don't think he's great at all. The opposite actually." I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. "He's using you."

"How could you say that Simon?" I was quite shocked at his words.

"Think about it Y/n. He's only come round when we're filming and insisted on being in the video. You've also told me of numerous times when he's conveniently left his wallet at home and had you buy things for him. I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I don't want to see you get hurt. Or do something you may regret."

I felt some tears escape my eyes and I looked down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with Simon. I felt his hand touch my arm and I flinched and recoiled my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, coming closer to me. I sat down on the floor and put my head in my knees.

He comforted me by rubbing my back and telling me it would be okay. I let out my cries and wiped my eyes, seeing bits of makeup on my fingers.

I grabbed a tissue and fixed my makeup, my cries having slowed down quite a bit.

My phone buzzed from the other side of the room and I stood from Simon's embrace, picking up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice cracking a little.

"Hey babes I hate to do this, but I have to cancel our date. Something came up with my family." I heard a girl voice in the background telling him to come back to bed.

"A family thing yeah? Sure sounds like it. I can't do this anymore." He went silent for a moment. "I want to break up." I said softly.

"What do you mean break up? I've given you a year of my life and you're going to break up with me! You're such a fucking prude. Wouldn't even sleep with your boyfriend. Have a good fucking life Y/n." He hung up the phone and I let mine fall from my ear.

"He doesn't deserve you." Simon said wrapping his arms around me. My head fell into his chest and I allowed myself to completely lose it, tears falling from my eyes and my chest heaving.

"I can't believe him. He called me names all because I wouldn't sleep with him. I just wanted to be able to trust him not to hurt me if I did. I should have realized sooner. I'm such an idiot."

"You're not an idiot Y/n. Don't say that." Simon said in a firm voice. "You're incredible. Funny, compassionate, loving, and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to have you." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Simon if you think all of these things why have you never shown romantic interest in me?" He sighed and put his face in his hands.

"I knew you would reject me. You wanted him so much that I knew I couldn't compete with him." He confessed.

I grabbed his hands and I laced one hand into his. He looked up to me and I smiled a bit, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into his neck, loving the feeling of being in his arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, letting the two of us gently fall back onto his bed, still holding onto each other.

"I've been in love with you for so long." He spilled, taking me aback and causing me to pull back and look at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to slip out." He began rambling apologies and I leaned in, kissing him.

He kissed me back and ran his hands through my hair.

"I want you to make love to me Simon." I whispered, making his eyes go wide.

"You don't have to, I didn't mean to make you-" I shut him up by kissing him again.

"I said I wanted to give myself to someone who I knew loved me. And someone who I love as well." He smiled and nodded, pulling my body into his and kissing me more.

Clothes were tossed across the room, chaste kissed placed along one another's body and soon we were completely exposed to one another.

"I'm ready." I said softly, allowing Simon to push himself into me. It wasn't anything rough or quick. It was completely passionate and filled with love. The true definition of making love.

"Why didn't I realize how much I loved you before. Why did I waste my time with him when all along I could have had someone that would treat me the way I deserve." I said after Simon and I had finished.

"I don't know. The heart works in mysterious ways Y/n."

"Since when was Simon Minter so philosophical?" I joked, grabbing his tshirt and pulling it over my body.

"Since I realized I want to impress you." He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and smiled down at me, leaning in for a kiss.

"You don't have to try to impress me."

"I know, but I want to."

"You're something else Minter."

"And I'm all yours. If you'll have me?" I smiled and kissed him.

"Of course I'll have you."

The two of us laid in bed and talked about anything and everything, especially us. For the first time in a year, I was truly happy.

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