Mispronounced - Lachlan Imagine

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Lachlan Week Day 1!

Title: Mispronounced
Pairing: Lachlan x Reader
Warnings: sexual suggestions
Requested(?): yes thank you!


"Now guys I don't have my usual cameraman with me today. I actually brought along my girlfriend to help me with the filming of this one. Say hi Y/n." I turned the camera towards me and waved.

"Hello!" I was quite excited to be helping as I always loved seeing Lachlan get so happy about a new addition to his pokédex.

We would be exploring Brisbane today, further into the city than normal as we would be driving.

"Here babe take this, I'm going to be driving and setting the camera on the tripod. I want to be safe and not get distracted driving. Just let me know if anything pops." I nodded to these instructions and buckled my seatbelt.

Lachlan mounted the camera an buckled himself in as well. "Well it's a pretty long drive into town so I'm going to cut the vlog here so we can listen to some Drizzy." Lachlan turned off the camera and looked over to me with a wide smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, amused.

"I love that you're here. It makes me really happy to share one of my favorite things with my favorite person." He leaned towards me and I closed the gap, placing a gentle kiss on his waiting lips.

"You're cute." I squeezed his cheek and looked down when I felt his phone vibrate in my lap.

"It's a... teddiursa" I said clicking on the little teddy bear pokémon.

"Eh we don't want that. I already have the evolution." I nodded and left the pokémon to be.

Lachlan put on my 'Best of Drake' playlist that I made for us to listen to in the car. The first song to play was '10 bands' and the two of us jammed to the song as we slowly crept closer to town.

We got out of the car and Lachlan handed me the camera and showed me how to hold it so I wouldn't cover the microphone. He placed a kiss on my forehead and then told me to start filming.

"Okay guys here we are! There were some confirmed Larvitar nests around this park so we're going to check these out and hopefully get a few of those."

"What are you looking for?" I asked him as we walked through the park.

"Well I really want to hatch some of these eggs, though I already have two miltanks and those are said to be extremely rare." I nodded, listening intently. "But I want a tyranitar ideally. Though I don't think that's happening anytime soon."

"You want a tyranitar?" I tried to repeat back what he had said but I messed up the pronunciation extremely. He let out a little giggle.

"It's pronounced tyranitar. You were close though." I felt a blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Don't be embarrassed love. I spent my entire childhood on pokémon. You just started. You'll get there eventually." I smiled at his encouraging words and we continued through the park.

By the time the sun started to go down Lachlan had caught a few of the Larvitar's and a few other pokémon he would need for later evolutions.

"Okay guys I think we're done for today. I hope you enjoyed and we'll see you later for more pokémon go." I turned off his camera and handed it to him.

"Thank you for being my camera woman." He said putting an arm over my shoulders as we walked back towards the car.

"Of course. It was fun."

"Really? I didn't think you would enjoy it that much." He said as he unlocked the car and we started to drive away.

"Well I mean it's fun seeing you be a huge fucking nerd so." I teased him.

"You suck." He retorted.

"Only for a mcchicken." He raised an eyebrow and pointed to a McDonald's that we were about to pass. I burst into laughter and Lachlan pulled up to the McDonald's driveway.

"I was kidding babe." I said.

"I know but I'm starved. You want the usual?" I nodded and he ordered our food.

Once we got home I jumped up on the counter with my food, deciding not to eat at the table for once.

"The well mannered girl eating while sitting on the counter? I'm shocked." Lachlan joked standing between my legs. With the massive height difference between us, me on the counter was just his height standing up.

His hands rested on my thighs as he locked eyes with mine. He leaned in and kissed me, his hands gripping my thighs as the kiss deepened. I tangled my hands in his hair and soon we had to pull away for air.

"You better hurry up and eat." I said to the blond in front of me.

"Why's that?" He asked with a smirk, already knowing why and just wanting me to say it out loud.

"Because if you don't you're not getting any tonight." I proposed.

"That's a good enough reason for me." He kissed me again and we parted to eat our food. After we had finished and the garbage was thrown away Lachlan came up behind me and put his hands on my waist.

"Now, where were we?"

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