Aware - Stephen Tries Imagine

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There's nothing worse than having no one to spend Valentine's Day with. Oh wait, being single all year long is pretty depressing as well. The plus side? Saving all of your money and getting to buy loads of half priced sweets the day after valentines.
As per usual on this glorious day, I made myself look presentable and popped down to the nearest shop, grabbing a basket and getting ready to let my inner child run wild. I was grabbing everything from gummy candy, to delicious chocolates. I was busy looking around for the best possible thing, white chocolate truffles, when I finally spotted them. I reached for them but unfortunately, they were on a high shelf and just beyond my reach.
     As I was about to look for someone to help me, a hand reached out and grabbed two boxes, handing me one and popping the other in his trolly.
     "Glad to see I'm not the only one with this idea" he said. He had a cute smile and an adorable face.
     "How could anyone pass up on this good of an opportunity? Thank you, by the way." I gestured to the chocolates.
"Anytime. And I know! It's the only thing good about this bloody season!" We we're both laughing and joking about the holiday while we continued our shopping.
"You wouldn't happen to be free today would you?" I plucked up the courage to ask.
"Look at me dear, I'm a wreck. I'm free 365 days a year." He obviously knew how to make me laugh.
"Come over to mine, we'll put on a comedy and delve into our sweets. I'll even make us a proper meal later on." I offered. He took no time considering and nodded.
"I'd love to."

"So you're from up north then?" I asked him as I cooked our meal.
"St. Helen's yeah. Bit of a shithole if I'm honest. You?"
"I'm from Scotland actually. Southern Scotland. Moved to London when I was 12 with my parents. Haven't left since." Stephen and I had been hitting it off all day, watching film after film together. Not really paying much attention to any of them since we were quite busy talking.
"Scotland seems nice." He was sat at my bar with his chin resting on his hands, watching me cook. There was a comfortable silence between the two of us. Something I'd never had with someone. Let alone someone I'd only just recently met. It was nice.
     "It's been lovely Y/n, but I'm afraid I really must be leaving. My mates are expecting me round for some filming in a bit." I nodded, understanding he had places to be.
     "Let's do this again sometime though?" I suggested.
     "Definitely. Let me give you my number." We exchanged numbers and I got up to walk him to the door.
     "I had a nice time tonight Stephen." I said with a goofy smile on my cheeks.
     "So did I." His smile mirrored mine. I decided to take a chance as I had earlier and I placed a hand on his cheek, stretching up slightly to kiss him softly. He reciprocated the action and wrapped his arms around my waist.
     We pulled away, both flushed and grinning. "Definitely my favorite holiday."

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