Arguments - Harry imagine

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It's bad enough that I was in a fight with my boyfriend Harry, but we're traveling with the rest of the sidemen to America for PAX in Boston.

I had to sit by him on the plane and we ignored each other the whole time. The other guys seemed to notice, and Vik and Simon were on the opposite side of me.

"Hey are you guys okay?" Vik asked me. Harry had his headphones in so he didn't hear our conversation.

"Not really, we've been fighting a lot lately. This one kinda took the cake." I said feeling emotional.

"What was it about, if you don't mind my asking?" Simon interjected.

"Well, he seems to think I don't love him, because I hang out with you guys a lot as well. He thinks I'm secretly going behind his back with one of you." I felt my throat tighten at the words I spoke.

"But you're not, are you?" Vik asked.

"No, I'm not. I don't think of the rest of you guys as anything but family. We're all close yeah but not in the same way I feel about him." Simon's face was wide in a smile, along with Vik's.

"What?" They pointed beside me to Harry and he was looking at me.

"You really do love me?" He said softly.

"I really do Harry." I said.

He hugged me tight and rubbed my back.

"I don't want us to fight any more baby." He said.

"Neither do I."

After we had gotten that settled, Vik asked a question.

"Which one of us did you think she had gotten with?" He asked curiously.

"I thought her and Simon had gotten it on at insomnia." He said laughing.

Simon and I looked at each other with wide eyes and both said "ewwww" at the same time.

We all laughed and chatted for the rest of the plane ride, all of the awkwardness between Harry and I gone.

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